New revelation: blood from vaccinated people contains the dangerous spike proteins

The medical catastrophe caused by Covid vaccinations is becoming more and more unprecedented. Now it comes out: blood from vaccinated people contains the dangerous spike proteins.

It has been clear to a critical minority of doctors, which also includes the group of colleagues writing at Achgut , since the summer of 2020 that the so-called “vaccines” against SARS-CoV-2 are actually gene therapeutics that have no effect against the pathogen but are toxic . The suspicion soon arose that the blood of “vaccinated” blood donors could poison the recipients. This question is now addressed in a scientific review from Japan by Ueda et al. after.

First, the authors describe the numerous toxic effects of gene therapy drugs on the vaccinees. They conclude that “there is no longer any doubt that the SPIKE protein used as an antigen in the genetic vaccines is itself toxic.” This is documented in great detail and professionally. The main toxic effects of the “vaccination” are:

1. Blood clotting disorders such as platelet deficiency (thrombocytopenia), deep cerebral venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, all of which are fatal or often cause severe chronic damage.

2. Deformation of erythrocytes (red blood cells), contamination of the blood with residues from vaccine production as well as inflammation and autoimmune diseases caused by the lipid nanoparticles (BioNTech and Moderna).

3. Damage to all organs due to the production of the spike protein in the blood vessel endothelia and the parenchymatous (function-bearing) cells of the organs. The best-known examples are myocarditis and glomuerulonephritis (destruction of the kidney). This also includes the damage to the fetus caused by vaccinating pregnant women, which may have led to the largest decline in the birth rate ever recorded in 2022.

4. Vaccine-induced autoimmune diseases. These will continue to make people sick in the next few years who were last “vaccinated” in 2021, because it can take years before the resulting organ damage becomes clinically visible. Many organs tolerate partial cell failure and only functionally fail when half or more of the parenchyma is destroyed.

5. VAEH and VAIDS, which are immune deficiency caused by vaccination and increased likelihood of contracting COVID. This can also lead to an increased likelihood of other infectious diseases, as well as a greatly increased risk of developing cancer and having a worse course of the disease than unvaccinated people (so-called turbo cancer). An important mechanism of these syndromes is overproduction of IgG4.

6. Central neurotoxicity due to direct organ damage to the brain through spike-induced formation of amyloid, which can lead to cognitive deficits and even dementia.

7. Damage to the peripheral nervous system with severe syndromes such as Guillain-Barré (a polyneuropathy with muscle weakness) or causalgia (diffuse burning pain throughout the body).

There is little research into the proportion of vaccine recipients who have suffered at least one of the damages listed above, but it is likely to be at least 1 percent.

Which of these damages can be transmitted to the recipients of blood products? How long after vaccination do the toxins circulate in the donor's blood? It can be assumed that two weeks after vaccination, most of the toxic molecules (especially nanoparticles and exosomes, but also other molecules, see below) have disappeared. However, the spike protein is still produced in the body for months after vaccination, albeit in small doses. This is bad for the vaccinated because the protein is toxic even in small doses and, above all, can trigger and maintain autoimmune diseases.

Unfortunately, vaccinated people were allowed to donate blood again just 24 or 48 hours after vaccination, so there are certainly blood products with a relevant proportion of toxic molecules in the blood banks. In addition, the authors have other concerns that apply even if blood donations are carried out long after vaccination. They list six categories of toxins in the blood of vaccinees.

The toxins in the vaccine blood
First, the highly toxic spike protein is found in the blood of those vaccinated, especially if they donated shortly after vaccination. They can harm the recipient.

Second, the blood products may contain lipid nanoparticles that can transfect the recipients, giving them an undesirable vaccination effect like a vaccinee. The particles themselves promote inflammation and can also trigger a so-called adjuvant-induced autoimmune disease in the transfusion recipient, regardless of the effect of the spike protein.

Third, the donor blood may contain thrombi (blood clots) that harm the recipient, for example through microinfarcts in the brain.

Fourth, due to their immunodeficiency, donors may be acutely or chronically infected with pathogens that are in the blood. These can be transmitted to the recipients and also make them permanently ill, because infection through the bloodstream is much more dangerous than through natural routes (such as breathing or eating).

Fifth, amyloids and amyloid microtubule aggregates form in the bodies of the vaccinees. These are tiny protein clumps that consist of aberrant spike-induced proteins, such as those found in Alzheimer's, and the remains of the cytoskeleton of cells destroyed by vaccination. These amyloids and aggregates are toxic and can cause organ and brain damage.

Sixth, the donor blood contains IgG4-positive plasma cells (a special type of immune cell), which can trigger chronic inflammation in the recipient.

While the first three categories of poison in the vaccinee's blood only occur if the vaccinee donates blood in the first few days after vaccination, the last three effects are also possible if the vaccination precedes the donation by months or years.

We cannot quantify how many blood products are affected and how severely, as studies and surveys are missing and have not been carried out, as this medical crime has not yet been investigated. But since at least half of the population in the Northern Hemisphere (significantly more in the West, up to 85 percent) was poisoned (“vaccinated”) with the genotoxic agents, it can be assumed that a relevant part of the blood products are poisoned. A rough estimate suggests that at least two thirds of blood donors in Germany were vaccinated with genotoxic drugs. If one of the above-mentioned toxin categories is found in the blood of 5 percent of the vaccinated, then 2 to 3 percent of the blood products are poisoned. Since only the last three categories can be present years after vaccination and the chronically ill vaccine recipients, in whom these toxins are increasingly present, slowly disappear from the group of donors because they become too sick to donate or die, this proportion is likely to be higher in view of the Half-life of blood products (between 30 days and 2 years) also decrease.

The proportion of poisoned blood products has never been as high as it is today
However, recipients of blood products face a serious and quite likely risk of harm from the transfusion. There has also been contamination of blood products in the past, for example with HIV, hepatitis viruses or perhaps with prions. But never in the history of blood donation, which began around 1900 when Karl Landsteiner discovered blood groups, has the proportion of poisoned blood products been as high as it is today.

The authors of the paper suggest a number of measures to control blood products and reduce the risk to recipients. But it is questionable whether these will be followed. Until the toxins disappear from the blood products through the elimination of poisoned donors as described above, we will probably simply have to expect consequential damage to the recipients. Once again it affects the chronically ill, weak people who are chronically dependent on blood products, or accident victims who need to be given blood acutely.

But the Paul Ehrlich Institute is not concerned about the danger posed by the poisoned blood products of the vaccinated people, but rather about the supposed danger of SARS-CoV-2 being transmitted via blood transfusion. This does exist if you receive the blood of a vaccinated person who has been reinfected with SARS-CoV-2 and has viruses in their blood, but the risk is rather low because such a patient would have a fever and would therefore have to be excluded from donation.

In Germany, however, no public service medical institution requires systematic testing of blood products. And drugmakers' research pipelines are full of additional modRNA products. A rationally thinking doctor who is committed to serving people is at a loss when faced with the state of academic medicine.

Concerns regarding Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients and Proposals for Specific Measures


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