Horoscope Online

Horoscope Online  Astrology Online | Planet-Today.com

Astrology Online Horoscopes, forecasts and astrological compatibility.

With the given web application, you can get a person's natal chart, as well as some specialized horoscopes, forecasts and calendars. For this purpose, please enter all the necessary data: the name, sex, date and time of birth (in the 24-hour format), birthplace, and then click the appropriate button.
For the time of birth, select the Exact time item only if you are sure of it. If necessary, you can rectify your natal chart on our website. If this also does not produce a result, enter the average time and select the correct option of exactitude. For example, if you know that the person was born in the evening, from 6:00 PM until 10:00 PM, enter the average value – 20:00 and specify exactitude ± 2 hours.
In case you do not know even an approximate time, only the date of birth, enter 12:00 and specify exactitude ± 12 hours.
To enter the person's birthplace, you should select the country, region and city in the lists. If you have not found the necessary city, you can select any other locality within 30 miles from the birthplace. In this case, it must be situated in the same region; otherwise the local time settings may be defined incorrectly.
You can save the entered information to the browser's storage. To do this, please click
As a result, for each person whose data has been saved, an entry appears in the drop-down list.
To enter data from the storage, click and select the desired name.
To delete an entry from the storage, select it in the list, then click

Time Converter

This app converts time between the three basic frames of reference: Local time, GMT and Mean Solar time. It also shows the geographic coordinates of cities. The user can set the interface language that is most suitable for him/her, as well as the locale (regional standard). These settings are saved in the browser until the next change.


For your natal chart, you will need to provide the exact time of your birth. Sometimes even a five‑minute inaccuracy can cause a very significant final error. Therefore, the time for creating a chart should be defined as accurately as possible. After all, if a planet in five minutes moves into another sign, or into another astrological house, its interpretation will change substantially.
The essence of the birth time rectification is as follows. If an astrologer, knowing the exact time of birth, can tell about a person's character, inclinations, priorities and important life events, then there may be a reverse procedure: having information about a person, you can define the time of birth when the horoscope most closely matches the available data. Only experienced specialists can perform this procedure correctly, therefore if you are not a specialist and you do not know who to turn to, you can use our web application.
Before using the program, find out as accurately as possible the time of your birth. Ask your parents, relatives, or reference your birth documents. Even when the birth time is known up to the hour, it is still better than just a date. Any computerized rectification can not substitute for the originally reliable information.
Performing rectification using this web app only makes sense if the person's character and his / her lifestyle are well known to you, and you can clearly and unequivocally answer the questions asked by the program. But this is not always possible, even if it is about yourself. Therefore, for people under the age of 25, this method of rectification is hardly suitable. An exception is applicable only if at least three important events have occurred in the person’s life, such as marriage, divorce, birth of children, death of relatives, etc. You can perform rectification in this case provided that the information on the exact time of birth ( ± 1 hour) is available.
A form for data input is given below. Please specify the person's birth time and the birthplace. For the birth time, set the search range. For example, if it is known that the person was born between 2 PM and 3 PM, enter the average value: 2:30:00 PM and set the interval  ± 30 minutes. However, with this value is better to specify with a small margin, to include all possible errors. In this case you can choose  ± 40 minutes.
If the person does not know the time of his/her birth and only the date is known, enter 12:00:00 PM and set the interval as  ± 12 hours.

After data input, click Continue. The program will start the rectification process.  You will need to specify the most appropriate interpretation of astrological factors and answer a few questions. As a result, the program will calculate the most likely time of birth.
The algorithm of the program is as follows:
1. If the Sun or the Moon changes the zodiac sign in the given time interval, then the user is prompted to select the combined reading, which is most consistent with the nature of the person. By choosing one of the options we are reducing the search interval and thereby simplify future work. If the sign does not change, then the program skips this step and automatically moves to the next.
2. At the second stage, the program defines the Rising Sign (Ascendant) and whether this sign is changed in the entire time interval. If the Rising Sign is the same throughout the interval, the program skips this step and proceeds to the next. If the sign is changed, the user is prompted to select the reading that is best for the chart's subject.
In this case, the interpretation is given in the following four components:
  psychological qualities
  features of appearance
  unselfish interests
  higher values and priorities
When choosing the Ascendant, special attention should be paid to the last two items, because here the Rising Sign is most manifested. As for the appearance, the relevance may be not as obvious, as for the appearance play a role not only astrological factors, hereditary factors too.
Regarding the "unselfish interests", it should be clarified: we have in mind an area of activity in which a person is ready to engage just for fun and not for earnings or prestige. Even when we speak, for example, about collecting jewelry, the person does not consider this as investment, but as a love for the arts.
Sometimes, as a result of some astrological factors, the person's unselfish interests and system of values may be distorted (suppressed, undeveloped). For example, while the Aries Ascendant, a higher value for the person is victory over rival physical superiority. Nonetheless, sometimes life is such that as a result of any injury or abuse, the person does not want victories or battles. Initial values and priorities are driven into the subconscious, and on the surface there is only frustration about the incident.
Predisposition to such scenarios is usually indicated in the natal chart. This will be a footnote in the table, and this should be taken into account when considering the interpretation of the Rising Sign.
Choosing the Ascendant, it may happen that several options will seem equally appropriate. For example, Gemini and Virgo. In this case, you should apply a trend, according to which the Rising Sign in a person's natal chart corresponds to the Sun sign of his/her mother or father. For example, if the choice is between Gemini and Virgo, and your mother was born on September 5, it is desirable to select Virgo.
Note, this trend does not always work, but for lack of a better option, it can be used in the rectification.
3. After defining the Ascendant, the program progresses to the next step: it considers various options of the birth time taking into account predisposition to events. This refers to events or situations that do not occur to everybody, but which, as a rule, are well marked in the horoscope. For example, celibacy, childlessness, many children, imprisonment etc. The user receives a list of a few of such events, where one must specify the extent to which they refer to the chart's subject.
There are five possible answers:
Yes! This answer means that the event or situation is uniquely characteristic of the person. E.g. when considering the "Early marriage" or "Success in music" and it actually took place in the person's life.
You can also select this option if certain events occur in a person's life too often. For example, injuries, accidents etc. Also if there was an episode, even a single incidence, that nevertheless affected the entire life of the person.
Yes The situation is typical for the person, but it is not final. For example, a man is 40 years old, he has no children, and the item "Childlessness" is considered. In this case, there is a predisposition but the situation may change.
No! The event or situation is definitely not typical for the person. For example, the "Early marriage" is considered, the chart's subject is 40 and he/she has never been married.
No The situation is not specific to the person but this can change. In any case, there is a theoretical possibility.
? For some reason it is impossible to define with this item. For example, people are too young to talk about celibacy and childlessness. Or another option: a person has no children, and the "Parting with a child" is considered. Here it is difficult to define predisposition because we do not know what might happen if there would have been children present.
4. Below the table you will see a list of several important events that should be noted if they took place in person's life. This includes marriage, divorce, birth of children, death of relatives, emergencies, diseases etc. In this case, to mark an event, just specify its month and year. If you do not remember the exact date of the event, enter the approximate month and year. An inaccuracy of 2—3 months is alright.
It is possible that a person had several similar events in the life. For example, he was married twice, or both grandmothers have died. In this case, you need to specify the first event. So, for the "Marriage" you should enter the first wedding; for the "Grandmother's death", enter the first death.
For the last three items, please specify only the most important events, even if they were not the first in time. This situation must be associated with the risk of the person's life, or have serious consequences, for example, a disability. Light diseases or stressful situations not related to real danger need not be specified.
5. Based on your answers, the app will calculate and provide several likely estimates of your birth time rated for reliability. You will need to select the most likely calculation result. You can rectify your birth time manually or use our software to perform the rectification automatically.
Please note that the automatic rectification does not always work. For some users, the available information may not be sufficient or consistent with the user's natal chart. In such cases, the software will report it's unable to complete rectification.

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