Geoengineered Climate – Disease – Dictators – and Propaganda

Ukraine will be liberated by the allies. Just like Syria was liberated from its Dictator. Just like Europe was liberated from Hitler. Via mass casualties, an even greater number of disabled, and an entire country reduced to rubble. Soldiers coming home to nothing. Disease rampant. Brain trauma, PTSD, rehab, drug overdoses. Loved ones dead. For what kind of liberation?  

After a likely geoengineered earthquake devastated a huge portion of Turkey killing over 50,000, Erdogan was given no choice in suddenly allowing Sweden to be absorbed by NATO. He was blackmailed. Mere weeks later Sweden announced they would allow Koran burning – which has now embroiled Sweden in riots.

War could not exist if not for stoking hatred thru propaganda.

One commonality of war is that The People being bombed – and the people doing the bombing rarely hate each other. It is a mindset form of hypnosis.   It has become so common that to track times of peace is a much smaller research effort than times of war.

Sometimes it feels as though earth is in some minutia bubble and sitting at a large circular table are giants watching as we entertain them with – War & Hate. Certainly peace and prosperity are not nearly as entertaining. Just watch the Hollywood movies…

Everything on earth appears to operate in a constant circular pattern. Trees losing their leaves and regrowing every single season – a circular.   Farming crops, tides, wind currents, natures way.   But then there are manipulated circulars;   inflation, war, rebuilding, death to birth, the creation of hate, even ‘rebirth’ is a circular.

In my lifetime, I don’t think the US has ever NOT been at war. Wars are much longer now, protracted by greed within the abject lack of anything resembling compassion. Evens these evils are circular – framed in a constant within antiquity.

If we go back to Adam and Eve, we find a circular of hate as some postulate that every aspect of evil in our world today was – Eve’s Fault.   If Eve had resisted Satan would have lost – or some such nonsense. These same blame sayers will also pontificate that God is the singular source of everything that happens. In that context, God caused created and caused Eve to sin.   Blame –

I listen to Zelenskyy being described as a ‘hero’ for standing ground and literally decimating his entire countryland and his people, for an ego driven, greed driven villa in Italy. He could have ended it before it began – and he chose not to. The US and EU governments declare they want a ‘forever war’. But The People don’t.  Yet the people are the ones who suffer while the governments rejoice in death.

Today Germany’s economic minister warned Modi that unless he disavowed and demonized Putin, he could forget trade with Germany and the EU.  WHAT? It is more like an elementary school playground than a system of Leadership. And what happens when their money is gone – their legacy is spoilt – their fame deteriorated?  And Prosperity rules?

They start over with the same end game rationale. Circular.

Imagine what could have been achieved if these evil mindsets had instead focused on building – creating – solutions – farming – you know, that which is our sustenance for living.

What gives me faith are those who are weary and yet still gather the strength to fight a verbal and legal right of passage. This strength has been there for every single war fought by every single country.    It exists today.

Syria’s President Assad was a victim of the war worshippers. A war fought in the guise that we were ‘liberating’ Syrian peoples from their evil dictator. But we didn’t liberate anyone – instead we spent years completely obliterating antiquity – beautiful historical treasures – under the prefect of Hillary’s words of wisdom that apply to every such situation, “What difference does it make – …they are dead.”

Two wealthy music stars created a video wherein they asked every American to put up their money for Ukraine’s citizens. Why did they make the video? Why don’ they just hand over their wealth to Zelenskyy? Why don’t they call for Peace? Why don’t they call for peace….

Maybe the reason the elites want to depopulate us is because we have multiplied like bunnies and are uncontrollable. The reason MAGA is their Achilles heel is because it is a united front. A front that could extend across borders. A front that can dislodge the contempt and replace it with something good and positive. That would not be very entertaining to the mind embroiled in chaos.

Today Germany and the UN declared that they won’t send aid to Syria any longer because the bad dictator Assad would misuse it. SO people must be punished and incited to believe Assad is evil. The tactics come from the bully pit yet they are reformulated each and every time in a manner wherein they believe these Peoples will suddenly thank the US for liberating their country and reducing it to rubble.  Bow and scrape…

I am reminded of the picture of white people on their knees kissing black peoples feet – begging for forgiveness. But they don’t want our forgiveness they want money! And NYC is proud to announce they will be paying BLM rioters millions for unjustly arresting them… The same NYC that is broke.

I just read the Lew Rockwell blog ‘Is climate engineering real?’ It’s worse than real, it is worse than we can imagine real.   Because not only have the ‘experts’ been busily playing with our climate – the reason they are so desperate now is because they can’t fix the damage they have done – so they need to deflect and BLAME The People via Climate Change. The article is absolutely stupendous!!!   Perhaps why I am so melancholy today.

Maybe God needs to blow up earth and just start over.   These people are beyond evil – evil is too tame to describe them.   They must be another Species…

(Article by Helena republished from

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