VOA: The Global Voice of ALL MSM Propaganda

Across the Mainstream establishment media from Germany to the UK to the US, the topic of Iran’s Morality Police enforcing the wearing of hijabs dominates. Many are under the misconception that a hijab is a burka – when in fact it is simply a headscarf. And it is none of our business.  

The vast majority of information coming from Iran is thru various NGO’s including US Agency For Global Media. The journalist is Masih Alinejad.   Born in Iran Masih was privileged to attend Oxford in the UK. She took the name Masih as a young woman (it was not her given name) – in Persian it means Messiah.  She is a feminist who actively protested against the government of Iran in 1994 and later in the US when she relocated here. She has met with Mike Pompeo and Jake Sullivan who promote her ideologies. Masih attempted to seek presence before His Majesty Obama, denied, and won an award from the American Jewish Committee…

According to The Guardian – Masih has been front and center in organizing Iranian protests. With the help of the US Global Media and Voice of America. Effectively, she helps the US initiate coups. She is also used as a source by The Gateway Pundit to promote Iran rhetoric. I assume – unintentionally.

The American Jewish Committee was established in 1906 as the Bolsheviks began organizing their tender under Lenin. During its early years, the organization was led by four prominent businessmen including banker Jacob Schiff. Schiff was an Ashkenazi Jew whose father worked with The Rothschilds. Jacob married the daughter of Solomon Loeb…   and the Jewish Banking Cartel was thus solidified in the US.

The US Agency for Global Media was formed in 1994 originally as the Broadcasting Board of Governors – its name was changed in 2019. It is tasked with supervising 5 different stations including Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Middle East Broadcasting, Office of Cuba Broadcasting, and the Open Technology Fund. Their purpose is to incite the youth in various countries across the globe to rebel, create chaos, and allow for the NED/CSIS Regime Change – COUP.

Despite The Global Media claiming they are separate and distinct they are funded by the US Government, Affiliated with the US Government and operated under the auspices of Hillary Clinton who founded the Open Technology Fund. Its budget alone is $15 million.

Journalist, Eli Lake, stated that these Media offshoots incited – The Green Revolution Iran 2009, as well as the Arab Spring in 2010 and 2011. The Agency for Global Media asserts that it promotes uncensored unfettered media across the globe – just not on Facebook and Twitter, apparently.

Voice of America was established in 1942 to promote various disinformation campaigns surrounding WWII when it was taken over by the Office of War Information. In 1945, VOA became a subsidiary of The Department of State. Their annual budget is $252 million.

VOA is to the US what the BBC is to the UK and DW is to Germany. They are government propaganda agencies that feed fake and false information in order to shift perspectives and alliances. A classic Soros/Nazi tactic – they target the youth market across the globe – including but not limited to The Hong Kong riots, The Ukraine Orange Revolution, riots across Chile and Brazil, etc…

These media platforms use the same techniques employed by the CIA in such projects as MK Ultra wherein mass hypnosis is parlayed into regime changes via MSM propaganda. And as usual – the US is front and center in this global information hypnosis.

What VOA and US Global media will not tell you is that because of their actions in inciting youth across global countries many thousands die in the protests. Kamikazes’. Martyrs.


Ukraine: Samantha Power is in Ukraine pledging $250 million for farmers… Given the Black Sea Deal was rejected by Russia which will cause a global famine as Ukraine’s ‘trafficking fleet’ is docked..

Russia: “Russia Attempts to Erase History Following Decades of Russia Expansion into Europe!”  VOA makes the claim that Russia has expanded exponentially into Europe. As proof – VOA cites Russia establishing clandestine military operations in Ukraine 2014. And again in 2023 when Russia deployed nuclear weapons to Belarus.

The VOA Propaganda fails to note the reasons for these actions. As though nothing exists with regard to the riots, the revolution, the bombing of Donetsk, The Minsk Agreement, for 8 years!

The VOA fails to address the riots in Iran incited by VOA activists including The Gateway Pundit’s ‘source’ – Masih Alinejad.

This is where MSM headlines originate. Where they are written.   From whence they are distributed in a uni-party parity. They are the source of every Alice in Wonderland upside-down perverted information. They will take irrefutable FACTS and twist them into an attack on US Press Freedom; US Bioweapon Labs in Ukraine – Nuland confirmed – over 52 – VOA calls it ‘fake news from The Kremlin’.

VOA uses what they call their “Polygraph.info” to write disinformation sometimes without a ‘writer’.   As though AI is generating the reports based on the input of false algorithms. Other times, they employ specific opposition persons to support their ideology, such as Leonid Martynyu.   An activist from Kyiv, Leonid writes the VOA position for Russia.   He studied at the Open Russia Foundation. The Open Russia Foundation was created by Khordokovsky, a Clintonite with Soros money. Their stated goal or ideology is ‘anti-Putin’. Its board included Kissinger and Rothschild. They were ‘expelled’ from Russia in 2017.

Normando Hernández González is NED’s Cuban anarchist journalist stoking riots in Cuba while living in the US.

During the latter part of Trump’s tenure, he attempted to reorganize VOA and its parent US Global Media. A new board, a new Director, they sought to eliminate the propaganda and coup incitements. All for not as Biden repealed the entire staffing and the propaganda platform is amped to the nth degree.

THIS is the SOURCE For ALL MSM Media Regurgitations…

(Article by Helena republished from HelenaGlass.net)

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