Election fraud BOMBSHELL: “Significant discrepancies” discovered during audit of Arizona ballots, including DELETED election data

(Planet Today) It’s becoming more obvious why Democrats went all-out including using the courts to prevent Arizona Republicans from conducting an audit of some 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County, the state’s largest that includes Phoenix, in last fall’s presidential election.

(Article by JD Heyes republished from NaturalNews.com)

To put it simply and succinctly: Democrats cheated their you-know-whats off and Republicans who are conducting the audit are discovering just how widespread it was.

Which means again, of course, that former President Donald Trump was right — he did win Arizona, and, most likely, all of the other battleground states he claimed he won.

The National File has more:

The ongoing audit of ballots cast in Maricopa County, Arizona has uncovered “significant discrepancies” in the number of ballots versus the supposed number of ballots that were supposed to exist. Political strategist Boris Epshteyn adds that the discrepancies may be as high as 17.5%, and it is “likely Joe Biden did not win Arizona”.

Arizona Senate President recently sent a letter to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, outlining the major issues discovered already in the audit, and offering to settle them without additional subpoenas or compulsory action. In the letter, says Epshteyn on Steve Bannon’s podcast, it reveals, “Pallet five, batch 2976, 200 pink slip total, actual total 165. They are missing 35 ballots out of that batch.” He added, “35 out of 100 is 17.5%. 10 out of 200 is 5%.”

“Do you know how shocking that is? 17.5% discrepancy in a batch is beyond belief,” Epshtyne continued.

“In one they’ve got 18 more than there’s supposed to be, which is a 9% discrepancy. Again, if we are to have any confidence in elections in this country, how can we possibly be okay with discrepancies of double digit percentages?” he said.

“It’s absolutely mind boggling, anything above a tiny fraction of a percentage is unacceptable, by the way, unacceptable according to the Federal Elections Commission.”

The strategist went on to say that a number of databases that were subpoenaed for the audit have been removed completely, to include files that actually contain election results and the manner in which they were tallied.

“There’s evidence these databases were removed as recently as March, right before handed over, and while being subject to a subpoena. That’s criminal activity,” he claimed.

“We now know why the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors have been fighting this subpoena so hard, why Perkins Coie has come in, why the Democrats are pushing back, why you’ve got mainstream media melting down,” he explained. “Because they’re hiding this. They’re hiding the disaster in which they handled this election, and likely, the fact that Joe Biden did not win in Arizona.”

As a reminder, Perkins Coie was the law firm that funneled money from Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 Democratic presidential campaign to ‘Russiagate’ dossier liar Christopher Steele.

Meanwhile, Arizona State Senate President Karen Fann has called on Maricopa County election officials to attend a meeting next week to “constructively resolve” major issues found during the audit thus far, including the deletion of the ‘main database’ in the Election Management System (EMS), Trending Politics reported.

“We have recently discovered that the entire ‘Database’ directory from the D drive of the machine ‘EMSPrimary’ has been deleted,” Fann said in a communiqué to Jack Sellers, chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. “This removes election related details that appear to have been covered by the subpoena.”

Fann went on to say that the system was missing the “Results Tally and Reporting” database.

“This suggests that the main database for all election related data for the November 2020 General Election has been removed,” Fann continued. “Can you please advise as to why these folders were deleted, and whether there are any backups that may contain the deleted folders?”

If this doesn’t constitute evidence that the 2020 election was indeed stolen from Donald Trump, then what would?

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