Reprogramming Females: Sterilization of most US girls and women is the next phase for mRNA vaccine “technology”

(Planet-Today) We’ve seen HPV vaccines cause spontaneous abortions, still births and miscarriages. Somehow, mothers still let their girls as young as nine get the deadly, maiming HPV jab. We’ve watched the vaccine industry insert human abortion cells into vaccines to conjure up severe immune reactions that are extremely dangerous, including to the reproductive system of women. Those human fetal tissue cells are being used right now in the AstraZeneca and J&J Covid-19 vaccines, and still Americans are confused as to why people are dying from the vaccine itself, or they just don’t know, yet. So, it’s time to wake up.

(Article by S.D. Wells republished from

The deaths from the Covid-19 vaccine are in the thousands, surpassing the total death count from the 9/11 terror event. Think about that for a minute. Now comes mRNA smart-vaccine-sterilization-technology and the most insidious genocidal event ever planned. Get ready.

SVST – Smart Vaccine Sterilization Technology and China‘s intrauterine devices soon to be used in America for depopulation plan

Yes, mRNA can be used to shut down the human immune system and reproductive system with the flip of a switch. Just as the medical industrial complex creates miniscule cameras and nanotechnology for manipulating human function, China’s forced fertility program is about to present itself in America in the most surprising way – via Covid-19 mRNA vaccines. They’re already targeting teen and pre-teen girls in America. Ask yourself why.

The Biden Regime has teamed up with the CCP (Communist Chinese Party) to turn America into one gigantic third world country, full of infected illegal immigrants and dying, non-reproducing Americans.

As the mRNA vaccines and Covid-21 comes to kill off the sick, the elderly, and the newborns (including babies still in the womb), Communist China will begin forced sterilization of anyone who’s left that can still reproduce organic humans. The rest will be genetically modified zombies who work in factories and concentration camps.

In China, right now, they use a force-sterilization program on Uighur women, and literally leave the IUDs inside the Chinese women indefinitely, where only surgery can take them out. Can you say “One-Child-Policy coming to America” without choking behind your Chinese-Flu mask?

If an IUD is left in a woman’s womb for a long period, it adheres to the surrounding tissue, leading to infections, cancer, and even mental health problems. Bones must be broken to remove it after a few years.

Sterilization chemical HCG that causes spontaneous abortion used by WHO and UNICEF in tetanus vaccines to try to sterilize 2.3 million females in Kenya

Leave it to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the WHO and UNICEF to target young Black women first for extermination and population reduction schemes. Those organizations literally hate all Black people, and that’s why they use vaccines to sterilize girls as soon as they reach child-bearing age and into their teens and young adult years. And yes, again, we have proof.

The WHO and UNICEF were caught red-handed in Kenya administering sterilization agents in tetanus vaccinations that have no use other than sterilization. Those organizations are being charged by Kenya Catholic Doctors Association for using vaccines laced with HCG, an antigen that causes miscarriages.

Over 2 million girls were jabbed with this dirty vaccine intended to kill off more poor Black people in Africa, as the insidious Bill Gates, the WHO and UNICEF further their campaign to reduce the world’s population by a few billion people, starting with poor Blacks in Africa. Six samples from all over Kenya were analyzed in laboratories in South Africa and all tested positive for the HCG sterilization antigen.

The World Health Organization developed HCG as a chemical specifically for sterilization purposes, because once injected into a pregnant woman, the baby is DESTROYED through spontaneous abortion by the woman’s own antibody response to HCG. Plus, HCG’s lethal effects last for up to 3 years, causing miscarriage of any pregnancies during that time.

So why would America be any different for insidious Bill Gates, who has headed up the whole Covid-19 plandemic with his best buddy Fraudulent Fauci? The next jab in the series of Covid-19 vaccines will be a tell-all, as we see millions of Americans suffering from violent chemical and mRNA side effects, including abortions, miscarriages, psychotic episodes and massively compromised (or totally shut down) immune systems. It’s called SVST – Smart Vaccine Sterilization Technology. It’s the next phase of the mRNA vaccine series, folks.

Tune your internet dial to for updates on the mRNA vaccine being the cause of sterility, spontaneous abortions, and mass death (by programmed immune system failure) across America.

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