America literally now has two systems of justice as DoJ refuses to charge Capitol Police officer who shot unarmed pro-Trump protester Ashli Babbitt

(Planet-Today) It’s been trending this way for years and became especially pronounced during the Trump era and presidency, but now it’s out in the open and blatant: America officially has two systems of justice, one for elites and one for the rest of us.

(Article by JD Heyes republished from

During the 2016 presidential campaign cycle, reports laid bare that Hillary Clinton not only abused her authority as Barack Obama’s secretary of state by installing and using a private email server against regulations (that Obama knew about), she was completely let off the hook despite the fact that on numerous occasions she:

— Shared and thus exposed classified information on an unsecured, hackable, open system;

— She deleted tens of thousands of emails that were supposed to be preserved because they were under congressional subpoena;

— She had dozens of servers and other devices physically destroyed in order to prevent anyone from accessing materials contained on them (which were believed to be a) classified; and b) documenting illegal activity).

Hillary never faced a single charge. Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was directly targeted by Obama’s Justice Department and FBI, as was Trump’s entire campaign, via the use of FISA warrants that were illegally obtained.

The only punishment was a slap on the wrist for a now-former FBI staff attorney, Kevin Clinesmith.

Now this: The DoJ has opted not to press charges against a Capitol Police officer, who is still unidentified, though he shot and killed Jan. 6 Capitol riot demonstrator and former Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, even though she was unarmed and the officer in question never gave her a command or issued a warning.

You have likely seen the viral video of Babbitt appearing to crawl through a broken window in a set of doors that led to the House chamber on that fateful day. She was part of the protests, no doubt; the protests, for the most part, consisted of a riot (not an “insurrection” as the liars in the Democrat Party and their media claim). But she was unarmed and at 5′ 2″ tall and maybe weighing a buck ten, she was certainly not a physical threat to the officer who shot her.

But he did it anyway, and now he’s gotten away with it.

“The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice will not pursue criminal charges against the U.S. Capitol Police officer involved in the fatal shooting of 35-year-old Ashli Babbitt,” the DoJ announced April 14.

“Officials examined video footage posted on social media, statements from the officer involved and other officers and witnesses to the events, physical evidence from the scene of the shooting, and the results of an autopsy. Based on that investigation, officials determined that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution,” the statement continued.

Meanwhile, police officers all over the country are being charged and prosecuted for a lot less and, in most cases, simply for defending themselves or for following departmental protocols. Those who are prosecuted are also usually fired.

But not this Capitol Police officer who took the life of an American citizen who did not appear to be a threat to him in any way that justified drawing his weapon and killing her.

The Babbitt family attorney was outraged, and rightfully so.

“The shooting of Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021 by an unidentified U.S. Capitol Police Officer was an unjustified use of deadly force which violated her constitutional rights,” attorney Terrell N. Roberts III said.

“It is clear from video footage that Ashli did not pose a danger to the officer, or any other person, when she was shot. Ashli was unarmed. She did not assault anyone. She did not threaten to harm anyone. There was no excuse for taking her life,” he added.

Again, America, if it wasn’t obvious to you beforehand, it should be now: We have two systems of justice, and under Biden it’s only going to get worse.

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