A recent peer-reviewed study has raised alarms in the public health community, suggesting that COVID mRNA vaccines, particularly booster doses, may be linked to a significant rise in excess mortality in Australia. The research indicates a strong correlation between the number of booster vaccinations and excess deaths, as analyzed through ordinary least squares regression. While the study does not establish a direct cause-and-effect relationship, it calls for deeper exploration of these associations due to their potential implications for public health policy. As nations grapple with vaccination strategies, this study adds to the ongoing debate surrounding vaccine safety and effectiveness.
A peer reviewed study has concluded that Covid mRNA vaccines have caused massive excess mortality in Australia.
“The study explores the relationship by Australia State between COVID Booster Vaccinations and excess deaths. There is evidence of a very strong correlation in ordinary least squares regression analysis. Cross-validation tests support the strength of the regression relationship. The results suggest that it would be worthwhile to explore these associations in greater depth as it is an important public health issue,” the study declared in the ‘Abstract’ section.
Infowars.com reports: A positive correlation between the shot and extra deaths has been discovered.
A positive correlation describes how when one factor increases or decreases (Covid vaccination) the other factor (excess mortality) moves in the same direction. While correlation does not verify a direct cause-effect relationship between the first and second factor (causation), it does indicate a causal factor may be at play.
Booster doses have the biggest effect on death rates it appears.
“…excess deaths are significantly related to booster doses,” the study said in the ‘Bivariate regression results, cross-validation and discussion’ section.
This research is not the only link between vaccination and reductions in human life.
Fascinatingly, long before Covid, Melinda Gates of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has previously said that she’s very glad to see that when they go to Africa to give the black people their shots, for their health and wellbeing, their population numbers actually decrease.
Perhaps more amazingly, in 2011 the Gates Foundation released a video detailing what it referred to a ‘NEW WEAPON’ – an experimental vaccination against Malaria which the Foundation was injecting into the bodies of little black babies in poverty stricken regions of Africa, a popular Gates family activity.
The link of vaccines to death and the love of the injection by Bill Gates, along with his statements before and during the Covid pandemic, has been likened to that of a serial killer.
Interestingly, the researchers discussed how their findings were in line with excess mortality data complied by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), mortality data that Infowars previously reported on after Dr. John Campbell produced a video on analyzing the information.
“The results suggest a strong association between excess deaths and booster vaccinations across this sample of OECD countries,” the study on OECD data said in the ‘Abstract’ section.
Although the recent study does not establish not causal relationship in its findings, rather just a corollary relationship, this evidence is not unlike previous Covid vaccine studies Infowars has reported on which do establish causal relationships.