A striking 90-foot statue of Lord Hanuman, named the "Statue of Union," was unveiled at the Ashtalakshmi Temple in Sugar Land, Texas, on Sunday, marking a significant cultural milestone for the local Hindu community. However, the colossal figure, which symbolizes strength, devotion, and selfless service, has not been met without controversy. Many Houston locals expressed discontent, suggesting that such a prominent religious statue would not receive the same acceptance as depictions of other figures, like Jesus. This unveiling coincides with a broader national conversation about the removal of statues representing historical figures, raising questions about inclusivity and cultural values in public spaces.
A 90-foot monkey statue was unveiled in Houston, Texas on Sunday becoming the third largest statue in the United States to the dismay of locals.
The Hindu god “Lord Hanuman” statue, officially named “Statue of Union” was unveiled by the local Hindu community.
Located at Ashtalakshmi Temple in Sugar Land, Texas, the huge figure of Lord Hanuman is said to embody “strength, devotion and selfless service.”
90 Foot tall Indian monkey man statue unveiled in Houston, Texas.
— Harrison Faulkner (@Harry__Faulkner) August 20, 2024
It is the third largest statue in the United States.
This is just weird.
As one Houston local said, “Disgusting. I guarantee a statue of Jesus would never be allowed.”
Meanwhile, statues of Founding Fathers are being torn down across the country.
New York City is now considering a measure that will remove iconic statues of Founding Fathers including George Washington.
According to a list found in New York City’s council agenda for Tuesday, September 19, officials will consider a bill that will:
“…require the Public Design Commission (PDC) to publish a plan to remove works of art on City property that depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefitted economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity.”
Under this criteria, the Father of the Nation’s depictions could get the boot, including the famous statue in Union Square Park.
Other statues, including that of Christopher Columbus, would also be subjected to this measure.
According to the bill, if the PDC opts not to remove a work of art of an individual who fits the criteria, it would be required to “include in the plan steps it will take to install an explanatory plaque next to the work of art.”
“This bill would also require the Department of Transportation to consult with the Department of Education to install plaques on sidewalks or other public space adjacent to schools that are named after a person that fits the criteria,” a summary of the measure adds.
Other items on the agenda include bills to “require the Commission on Racial Equity to establish a Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation process in connection with the City’s historic involvement in slavery” and “require the Chief Equity Officer to create an anti-racism training for employees of human services contractors.”
Years ago, former President Donald Trump predicted that the far-left would eventually turn on the Founding Fathers.
“This week, it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is George Washington next week, and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You really do have to ask yourself: ‘Where does it stop?’” Trump asked during a press conference as the far-left kicked off the trend of removing Confederate statues.