Dr. Urges Attorneys To Sue Institutions That Forced Covid Jabs On Babies & Pregnant Women

Veteran OBGYN James Thorp, MD, has also called on attorneys to file lawsuits against medical institutions that forced the "dangerous experimental" injections on babies and pregnant women.

The obstetrician-gynecologist has also claimed that the Covid shots are "the most lethal and harmful drug ever introduced.

InfoWars reports: Thorp explained in a lengthy X thread that many hospitals signed “secret, unethical, and likely illlegal” cooperative agreements with Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to force the Covid shots on “the most vulnerable patients,” and bringing forward lawsuits against these institutions “may result in extraordinarily large medical malpractice verdicts of $100 million or more.”

“Plaintiff’s Attorneys: your futures market in these lucrative ‘damaged baby cases’ is on the verge of SKYROCKETING. If your clients have had a damaged or dead baby in the past 3 years (or in the future) inquire as to their COVID-19 vaccination status,” Thorp wrote on Sunday.

Thorp went on to provide a framework for attorneys to bring forward civil lawsuits.

Obstetricians whether you know it or not you have been duped into pushing the most dangerous drug ever rolled out on the most vulnerable patients – pregnant women, preborns, and newborns – according to Pfizer’s own data (see page 7 & 12) https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/reissue_5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdfand… your government’s own data.https://jpands.org/vol28no1/thorp.pdf…  

These are both open-source databases that anyone in the world can evaluate; they’ve never been refuted. By the way, both data sources are biased toward pushing the Covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy. In contrast, the medical journal articles suggesting the safety of the vaccines in pregnancy are not open source, they’re manipulated, and the authors and institutions are heavily funded by the NIH and other major COI’s.  As a perfect example, see Shimabukuro NEJM pushing the safety of the vaccines in pregnancy (see pages 170-171) https://thegms.co/medical-ethics/medethics-rw-22071901.pdf….

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Documents that The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) accepted millions of dollars of US tax payer moneys to push its 60,000 ObGyn Constituents in two continents (US, Canada, and South America) to follow the lock-step narrative of the lethal HHS/CDC policies. https://americaoutloud.news/foia-reveals-troubling-relationship-between-hhs-cdc-the-american-college-of-obstetricians-and-gynecologists/…

Plaintiff’s Attorneys be prepared to litigate against hospitals, obstetricians, other physicians and organizations that continue to push the COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy such as The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), American Board of Obstetrics $ Gynecology (ABOG), and The Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine (SMFM). These organizations threatened 60,000 ObGyn physicians to push the vaccines in pregnancy as evidenced by the ABOG Statement of Misinformation published on September 27, 2021. https://abog.org/about-abog/news-announcements/2021/09/27/statement-regarding-dissemination-of-covid-19-misinformation…

This ABOG Statement was quite pathetic and was supported by nothing more than the grocery market tabloid they referenced. Egregiously, ABOG’s link to the CDC recommendation brings up a CNN article. In contrast to ABOG’s pathetic threat, please see my 98-page letter sent to ABOG Officers on January 12, 2022 including massive amounts of data, many other expert’s data, governmental data, and 1,019 peer-reviewed medical journal publications documenting severe complications, injuries, and deaths from the Covid-19 vaccines in just the first 12 months of rollout. https://rodefshalom613.org/2022/01/dr-james-thorp-letter-to-american-board-obstetrics-gynecology-risk-covid19-vaccine-pregnancy/…

SSM Health of St. Louis MO, a nearly $10 billion Catholic Hospital System, terminated me on June 29, 2023 because I published extensively on the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy and testified on multiple high profile public platforms including US Senate, and Tucker Carlson at Fox News as to the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy. I provided SSM Health with all this data and my observations of adverse effects of the vaccine in my practice at SSM Health. SSM-Health allegedly fired me for “no cause” and the CEO Kevin Elledge praised me as a “model physician” for the SSM Health System and pointed out that my “no cause” termination allowed me to continue employment for 120 days. When I refused SSM’s bribe of about $100,000 and refused to sign a hush agreement, SSM Health fired me immediately on June 29, 2023. Of note is that SSM Health accepted 306.9 million dollars of US tax monies in early 2021.  https://americaoutloud.news/covid-19-government-relief-funds-turned-the-healthcare-industry-on-its-head/…

It is likely that SSM Health and many other hospitals will be held accountable by civil litigation in dead baby and damaged baby cases for pushing the vaccines in their employers and pressuring their physicians and nurses to push these dangerous vaccines in pregnancy. I will support this litigation – it is long overdue. Justice will be served. I encourage Plaintiff’s attorneys to file civil litigation in these cases. I encourage obstetricians to stand up and speak the truth. Since when was it ever appropriate to push novel substances in pregnancy without long-term follow up? Didn’t we learn from the disasters of Diethylstilbestrol (DES) and Thalidomide?

Thorp also highlighted Pfizer’s own phase 2/3 trial that showed the Covid injection harmed pregnant women with a slew of devastating side effects.

Obstetricians and healthcare professionals did you pay attention to the risks of the Covid-19 vaccines in pregnancy according to Pfizer’s phase 2/3 trial that allegedly randomized 315 pregnant women to Covid-19 vaccines versus placebo? Or did they sneak it by you? It was completed July 2022, and released July 2023. The Pfizer Phase 2/3 trial noted that those pregnant women given the vaccine compared to placebo experienced the following outcomes in their newborns:

1) Low Apgar Scores (depressed newborns) increased by 100%

2) Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (a life-threatening complication) substantially increased (zero in placebo group so no relative risk);

3) Neonatal Jaundice increased by 80%;

4) Congenital malformations (birth defects) increased by 70%;

5) Atrial Septal Defect (a hole in the heart) increased by 220%;

6) Small for Dates (preborn baby with poor growth) substantially increased; (zero in placebo group so no relative risk)

7) Congenital Nevus (vascular malformation on the skin) increased by 200%

8) Congenital Anomalies and Developmental Delays at 6 months of life increased by 310%

“Would your patients have taken the COVID-19 vaccine while pregnant if you informed them that these were potential risks from Pfizer’s phase 2/3 trial results? Of course not,” Thorp concluded. “No rational individual, especially a pregnant woman, would have considered taking the COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancy had these risks been made known.”

“Did you inform your patients that you were not acting independently, but rather under threat of termination from your hospital system, or under threat from ABOG, ACOG, and SMFM to lose your state license or board certification?”

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