In the French town of Gennevilliers, a 32-year-old man apparently held a 26-year-old Jewish woman in an apartment and raped her in order to “take revenge for Palestine .” The police freed the woman on Sunday and the suspect was arrested, as the French newspaper Le Figaro reported.The suspect and the victim are said to have met on a dating platform – about a week before the crime. On Sunday morning, the woman is said to have called her mother and told her that she was being held in an apartment by the suspect.
“You will never see her again”
the deprivation of his liberty, the 32-year-old is said to have sent
threatening messages to the woman's family. He apparently used her cell
phone. "Good luck, you will never find your daughter again, you will
never see her again, I will make her a prostitute," he wrote to the
victim's mother. He wrote to the woman's former partner that he would
"avenge Palestine."
According to the current status, the man will have to answer in court for “written death threats for religious reasons” and “use of narcotics”. An indictment for kidnapping, deprivation of liberty and death threats cannot be opened at the moment because the investigation has not been completed, the public prosecutor's office said.
According to the current status, the man will have to answer in court for “written death threats for religious reasons” and “use of narcotics”. An indictment for kidnapping, deprivation of liberty and death threats cannot be opened at the moment because the investigation has not been completed, the public prosecutor's office said.
The perpetrator should be placed under judicial supervision
public prosecutor's office demanded that the suspect be placed under
judicial supervision. He shouldn't be allowed to approach the woman. He
is currently in custody.
So far little is known about the suspect. Neither the nationality nor the first name was mentioned by the media. According to his own statement, the man works for local public transport in the Paris area.
So far little is known about the suspect. Neither the nationality nor the first name was mentioned by the media. According to his own statement, the man works for local public transport in the Paris area.
Source: Junge Freiheit