These hostesses don't spoil food at all: The secret to keeping food in the fridge

These hostesses don't spoil food at all: The secret to keeping food in the fridge

It turns out that some food needs to be stored in a certain place.

The refrigerator is an integral part of any home. However, not everyone knows how to store food in the fridge so that it does not spoil longer. In fact, each shelf is designed for a specific food.

How to properly arrange food in the refrigerator - where and what to store

To keep your food from spoiling and "taking away" the flavors of other items from the store, it's important to remember what can be stored on the top shelf of the refrigerator and what is best to put down:

  • On the top shelf, you should only store foods that are already ready to cook. You can leave already cooked food or leftovers there. Anything you can get out and eat right away is good for the top shelf.
  • On the middle shelf you can store perishable foods. You can also leave eggs, milk or cream there.
  • The lowest shelf is just right so you can leave raw meat or fish there.
  • You can store spices, water, vinegar, sunflower oil, sauces, and drinks in the refrigerator door. Many people don't know that the door is the warmest place in the refrigerator, so you definitely shouldn't leave food that needs to be stored at low temperatures there.
  • Food storage drawers in the refrigerator, more often than not, are divided into two types: high and low humidity drawers. If you understand the difference, the question of how to store food in the refrigerator so it doesn't spoil won't drive you crazy.
  • In the high-moisture compartment, you can put vegetables in plastic containers with a leak-proof lid or food in paper. It is best to put fruit (separate from vegetables) in the low humidity compartment.

What to keep in the fridge - tips

Prepared foods are best stored in glassware. Make it a habit to transfer all cooked food from pots and pans to glass containers. However, if you do not plan to keep cutlets or roasts in the pan for a very long time, it can be left in the refrigerator and be sure to cover it with a lid.

Storing food in plastic containers is acceptable if it is vegetables or fruit - nothing else can be left there. Containers, for which you do not have a lid, should be covered with foil or at least cling film.

It is also strictly forbidden to store food in melamine dishes. Containers made of thermosetting plastic are not designed for the refrigerator. In addition, it is better not to eat out of such dishes at all.

Aluminum and cast-iron cookware is also not suitable for storing food in the refrigerator. It turns out that aluminum can oxidize and "poison" the products, and cast iron often rusts, because it is better not to leave products in it.

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