Why you can't keep a fern in the apartment: a few important reasons

Why you can't keep a fern in the apartment: a few important reasons

If you are thinking about getting a fern at home, then take into account that it can bring harm to some people.

The indoor fern is a beautiful plant that fits into almost any interior, but it is surrounded by mysticism and superstition.

Why you can't keep a fern in the apartment - take note

Fern is quite a popular houseplant, however, before you get it, make sure that the housemates do not have allergies. Because those who suffer from allergies fern will cause harm. The fact that fern plants have a specific smell, and if it is inhaled for a long time, it can provoke dizziness and headaches, allergic reactions and loss of sleep.

Also can not keep in the house fern superstitious people. Looking at it, such people can "wind up" themselves that all the troubles in the house and health problems are because of it.

What is dangerous for the fern - who should not get a plant

The fern releases spores that can with the air get into the respiratory organs or settle on the skin. This is dangerous for allergic people and people with skin diseases, as it can cause a severe reaction or an asthma attack. Also dangerous is getting the spores and parts of the leaves of the plant in food - this will lead to digestive disorders.

Where to place ferns in the apartment

A room fern should be placed where there is high humidity and dim lighting, because the plant does not like sunlight. Make sure to water ferns often.

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