The final takedown of energy in America: Biden to issue “climate emergency” executive order that will collapse US energy and lead to mass starvation and economic implosion

The final takedown of energy in America: Biden to issue “climate emergency” executive order that will collapse US energy and lead to mass starvation and economic implosion

The most pressing matter to the Biden regime right now has nothing to do with trying to help Americans avoid mass starvation due to failing supply chains and runaway inflation, but rather addressing the fictitious notion of “climate change.”

It is expected that as soon as this week, Joe Biden will sign an executive order to drive another nail in the coffin of cheap and abundant fossil fuel energy, which the regime wants to replace with a “clean energy future.”

Biden, who traveled to Somerset, Mass., on Wednesday to deliver a climate speech, says his number-one priority involves “tackling the climate crisis … to create jobs and lower costs for families.”

“The president made clear that if the Senate doesn’t act to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, he will,” said a White House official who chose to remain anonymous.

“We are considering all options and no decision has been made.”

Jared Bernstein, a top White House economic adviser, told reporters at a news briefing that Biden has made a commitment to “aggressively fight to attack climate change,” adding that “realistically there is a lot he can do and there is a lot he will do.”

Will Americans stand idly by and do nothing while the Biden regime destroys their country?

Back in June, the Supreme Court issued a ruling against the Biden regime’s climate agenda.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the highest court in the land said, cannot impose “green” climate restrictions because it lacks the authority to regulate carbon emissions.

The Biden regime is planning to respond to this with an executive order, which will somehow override the SCOTUS decision and allow the regime to limit fossil fuel imports and exports.

A report published by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) back in February explains how a Biden EO would authorize the regime to execute “Key Climate Emergency Executive Actions,” which include not just limitations on fossil fuel imports and exports but also suspensions for offshore drilling leases in 11 million acres of federal waters.

The Biden regime also wants to reinstate a crude oil export ban that Congress voted to repeal back in 2015.

CBD claims to be a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of endangered species and “wild places,” and it is urging Biden to sign the EO as soon as humanly possible for a “viable future.”

“A historic climate emergency is exactly what we need from Biden to match the scale and urgency of this crisis,” claims CBD report author Jean Su.

“With the world on fire from California to Croatia, an emergency declaration will show Biden’s ready to fight bare-knuckle for viable future. By unlocking crucial climate powers, Biden can put Manchin’s gaslighting behind us and get busy getting us off fossil fuels and building the renewable-energy powerhouse we desperately need.”

Su’s statement came after Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) killed a climate bill in Congress that his fellow Democrats were pushing as part of an economic package. It would have allocated billions of dollars towards the fight against “global warming.”

“Senility Joe’s handlers have decided it’s time to inflict more harm on Westernkind,” wrote a commenter on a story about the Biden EO.

“Biden white guilts us about the climate while bringing in border crossers whose carbon footprints go up 100 times when they land in Western Civilization,” added another.

“The lawsuits against this WEF (World Economic Forum) globalist climate scam bs better be rolling out fast and furious,” responded someone else. “If this fake nazi climate scam bs isn’t stopped right now, this nation or anything like this nation will be gone forever.”

The latest news about the climate change scam can be found at

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