“Official” health authorities caught lying about monkeypox

“Official” health authorities caught lying about monkeypox

One of the premier oracles of truth about public health – or so we are told – is once again lying about the latest infectious disease scare, also known as monkeypox.

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, which is heavily funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is falsely claiming that “one in ten cases can be fatal,” referring to monkeypox. The group claims that monkeypox is “similar to viruses like Ebola” in the way that it spreads.

As of now, the World Health Organization (WHO) has not issued any recommendations for how to treat monkeypox. However, the United Nations arm says that “the original first-generation smallpox vaccines are no longer available to the general public.”

A newer vaccine “is also not yet widely available,” the WHO further notes, suggesting that one is on the way, perhaps once again at warp speed just like Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” appeared in late 2020.

It turns out that pretty much nothing from the previous two paragraphs is actually true, despite coming from this supposedly “trusted” and “official” public health source.

The claim that one in ten cases of monkeypox can be fatal is false in that it all depends on the country. In West Congo, for instance, the death rate from monkeypox is around 1 percent. In Congo, however, it has been seen as high as 10 percent.

A new study published in the journal Nature suggests that the currently circulating strain of monkeypox is unknown, though we are being told that it is primarily spreading among homosexual men at wild raves and sex parties. It also suggests that “most people recover from monkeypox in a few weeks without treatment,” even in “poor rural populations.”

This sounds a whole lot less scary than what the WHO is trying to peddle on First Worlders who believe everything they see and hear from CNN and MSNBC.

Pretend that monkeypox does not exist and it probably never will in your life

As for the claim that there are no specific treatment recommendations for monkeypox, this is also false. Numerous antivirals have been shown to be effective against viruses in this family, including the drug tecovirimat.

Then we have vaccines, the WHO’s claim of which “pulls the same logical tricks” as the aforementioned false statements, according to The Epoch Times‘ Joshua Philipp.

“It acknowledges that the original vaccine for smallpox is not publicly available, which can again confuse the next caveat that there is a new vaccine for smallpox and monkeypox,” Philipp adds.

It was the year 2019, just before the Fauci Flu appeared, that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first “vaccine” for monkeypox, called JYNNEOS.

JYNNEOS is, in fact, not yet widely available – but it soon will be. The Biden regime is ordering millions of doses, and since the jab was developed at the Penn Biden Center, the Biden Crime Family will soon be raking in the dough from this latest plandemic scam.

“The Biden administration recently placed a $119 million order for millions of doses of the JYNNEOS vaccine,” Philipp notes.

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA (messenger RNA) technology, also chimed in on the matter by adding that official claims about the estimated death count from monkeypox are also skewed, being “highly biased towards more severe cases” in the worst-hit countries.

“… [C]ountries rarely will detect and do not report cases of mild disease to the WHO,” Malone maintains.

“Monkeypox is a virus and disease which is endemic in Africa,” Malone adds. “It is readily controlled by classical public health measures. It does not have a high mortality rate.”

Unfortunately, millions of people will never hear this critical information, and will instead be spoon-fed by the “authorities” false information that will cause them to panic and obey whatever the government tells them to do, possibly resulting in another tyrannical plandemic.

The latest news about monkeypox can be found at Outbreak.news.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from NaturalNews.com)

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