BBC presenter Lisa Shaw confirmed killed by the covid vaccine… spike protein injection caused fatal brain blood clots and bleeding

(Planet Today) Another well-known media personality has died from getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Lisa Shaw, a presenter from BBC News, reportedly developed “complications” after getting injected with AstraZeneca’s Chinese Virus jab, which is not an mRNA injection like the jabs offered by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

The 44-year-old had worked for BBC Radio Newcastle, and reports indicate that she developed severe headaches about a week after getting the needle. Newcastle coroner Karen Dilks later confirmed after Shaw’s death that the victim had developed blood clots in her brain.

“Lisa died due to complications of an AstraZeneca covid vaccination,” BBC reported in a rare admission that a covid vaccine jab caused someone to die.

Prior to her injection, Shaw was fit and healthy. After the jab, it was “clearly established,” Dilks added, that Shaw died from a “very rare vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia,” which leads to swelling and bleeding in the brain.

Not even two weeks after Shaw’s first dose of AstraZeneca, the mother of one had to be rushed to the University Hospital of North Durham after her headaches started. Dr. John Holmes said that Shaw had complained of a “severe headache shooting and stabbing” across her forehead and behind her eyes.

Shaw was tested and blood clots were identified, prompting her to be moved to the neurology specialist unit at Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI).

Shaw was conscious for several days while she was being treated for the clots, and at first things seemed to be moving along successfully. Then, suddenly, Shaw started developing more headaches that were even worse, leaving her unable to speak normally.

“Scans showed she had suffered a haemorrhage in the brain and after her condition deteriorated, part of her skull was removed to try and relieve the pressure inside her head,” BBC reported about Shaw’s rapid deterioration, explaining that she died just days later despite more surgery and treatments.

“Lisa got all the treatments that were recommended in the order they were recommended,” Johnson told the media, saying if he could treat Shaw the same way again that he would.

“If we had the same presentation tomorrow, we would do the same thing.”

Are covid vaccine blood clots really as “rare” as the experts claim?

Because Shaw was so healthy and fit prior to her death, Dr. Tuomo Polvikoski, a consultant neuropathologist who examined Shaw’s body after her death, described what he saw as “surprising.”

It is apparently quite out of the ordinary for someone like Shaw to die in such a matter – at least it was before Fauci Flu shots came into existence. Now, even the otherwise healthy are experiencing severe problems and sudden death following injection.

On the rare occasion that media outlets actually link cases like this to the vaccine in their reporting, they almost always emphasize again and again that they are “very rare.” But is this actually true?

We have been reporting on these types of cases for months, and they do not seem as rare as the “experts” would like us all to believe. In fact, they seem relatively common, especially for an injection that we continue to be told is “safe and effective.”

Another thing that is almost always included in media reports are claims by the “experts” that the alleged “benefits” of the jabs still outweigh the risks, at least “for most people,” according to Dr. Alison Cave of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.

“It is therefore still vitally important that people come forward for their vaccination and for their second dose when invited to do so,” she added in a statement to the media.

More related news about injuries and deaths caused by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections can be found at

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