CDC: Covid vaccine official death toll reaches 4,647, setting new 22-year VAERS record

(Planet Today) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released new data about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine deaths, and the numbers are not pretty.

Officially, at least 4,647 people in the United States have died from getting injected for the Chinese Virus. This is a new 22-year record for a vaccine as far as the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is concerned.

More than 273 million doses of experimental jab were administered throughout the country between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 17, 2021, the CDC says. During that time, thousands of people died from the injections.

The CDC of course denies any causal link between the vaccines and the deaths, as no vaccine has ever harmed anyone, according to the government. Still, the agency is reporting these numbers to let Americans make their own decision as to whether or not getting injected is a risk worth taking.

Interestingly, only 4,571 vaccine-related deaths were reported to VAERS between Jan. 1, 1999, and Nov. 30, 2020, the latter date landing right before former President Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections were granted emergency use authorization (EUA) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Most people who die from “normal” vaccines are young children, but now all ages are dying from Chinese Virus injections

Of these 4,571 pre-covid deaths from vaccination, at least 50 percent were infants and toddlers under the age of three, this being the primary demographic that gets injected with dozens of vaccines almost right out of the birth canal.

In the post-covid era, people of all ages are now getting injected with toxic chemicals on a mass scale, resulting in many more vaccine-induced injuries and deaths than have ever before been seen in our country.

In addition to the thousands of deaths, the CDC also reported that at least 227,805 people have been injured by Chinese Virus injections, including 2,719 permanent disabilities, 12,625 hospitalizations, and 29,708 emergency room visits.

We expect this number to rise dramatically in the coming days now that children as young as 12 are getting injected for Chinese Germs at the command of Fauci and his minions.

Even though there are already plenty of effective remedies already available for the Wuhan Flu, the medical deep state, which includes both the CDC and the FDA, has decreed that only Big Pharma injections will usher us into the “new normal.”

“It is one thing to offer experimental injections to a willing, undocumented, brainwashed, stupid adult population who voluntarily choose to be part of an experimental drug trial, but it is another thing to inject children who are too young to make an informed consent decision,” warns “Survival Dan.”

“Parents uneducated about how dangerous these shots are put their children’s lives at risk, and the hundreds of thousands of children across the nation in foster care custody will have no choice in most situations but to be forced to receive these shots.”

Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that VAERS data only accounts for about one percent of all vaccine-related injuries and deaths. Multiplying that out, there are more than likely millions of people in the United States alone who are suffering or who already died because of their injections, and the medical fascists continue to insist that the jabs are “safe and effective.”

“The real death toll is well over 300,000 and injuries over a million,” claimed one commenter at

“It’s experimental – DON’T take it!” warned another about the injections. “They are telling you beforehand you will be a guinea pig. Do you want to be a guinea pig?”

Visit to learn more about how Chinese Virus injections are injuring and killing people.

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