Catholic church in St. Louis ROPES OFF unvaccinated members like cattle, bans them from parish hall

(Planet Today) St. Joseph Catholic Parish in Cottleville, Mo., near St. Louis is reportedly segregating its unvaccinated members from the rest of the congregation by forcing them to worship and take communion in their own separate area of the building.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

All non-vaccinated members of St. Joseph’s are now prohibited from using the parish hall and must wear a mask at all times when elsewhere inside the facility. Members who received a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection, on the other hand, have full worshipping privileges and can participate in all religious ceremonies and rituals as normal.

In accordance with guidance issued from the Archdiocese of St. Louis, any Roman Catholic who receives either an experimental mRNA (messenger RNA) injection from Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna, or a viral vector injection from AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson (J&J), is welcome with open arms at St. Joseph’s. Everyone else will have to sit at the back of the bus.

A schematic of the new sanctuary layout – see this link – shows that two roped-off sections have been reserved for the “filthy” unvaccinated to sit “socially distanced” from others. The rest of the sanctuary, which is open and free, is reserved exclusively for the vaccinated.

The body of Christ has now become two bodies: injection and non-injected

The initial plan from Msgr. James Callahan was to force the unvaccinated into two winged sections of the sanctuary that would have disallowed them access to Holy Communion. After outcry from congregants, the unvaccinated section was moved to the back of the room so communion can be administered to these people separately.

Hilariously, the “updated” plan massively expanded the unvaccinated section of the sanctuary, suggesting that most of the congregation at St. Joseph’s is not getting the vaccine. It would appear as though a small handful of whiny vaccinated congregants demanded separate seating areas because they seemingly do not trust that the vaccinations they received provide adequate protection.

“For the immediate future, the use of the Parish Hall will be restricted to organizations or groups who have been fully vaccinated,” Callahan further explained to the congregation in a May 19 email. “As the restrictions lessen, the Parish Hall will be more widely available.”

LifeSiteNews attempted to contact St. Joseph’s for comment, only to be laughed at over the phone and told that no comment would be given at this time. LifeSiteNews, by the way, is a Catholic-affiliated news outlet.

Neither the parish nor Callahan’s email indicated how churchgoers would be verified for their vaccination status. The only thing Callahan’s email stated is that he hopes people would “truly be honest” and sit in their segregated areas.

Nothing says Christian unity quite like this separate seating area setup for people with differing vaccination status (that was sarcasm, by the way).

While LifeSiteNews did not receive any direct communication at all from Callahan, it did obtain a communique from Callahan urging all parishioners to get the experimental injections as soon as possible in order to continue worshiping at the facility.

“We have a vaccine that will end COVID-19,” Callahan further wrote. “Please take the time to be vaccinated.”

Callahan added that “these vaccines are remarkably effective and safe,” though he did not explain where he received his medical degree or how he came to such a conclusion, especially in light of the tens of thousands of deaths that have already been reported from the injections.

It is important to note that it is illegal for anyone, including church leaders, to try to force others to take these experimental injections. By doing so, they are opening themselves up to potential lawsuits.

More of the latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection tyranny can be found at

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