Vaccine Passports were the secret plan behind the totalitarian lockdowns all along

(Planet-Today) CNN revealed the sinister plot behind the government’s continuous lock down policies. The tyrannical, controlling intent behind government lockdowns was revealed for all to see in a recent broadcast that featured disgraced anchor, Chris Cuomo, and former Planned Parenthood president, Dr. Leana Wen.

(Article by Lance D Johnson republished from

“We need to make it clear to them (Americans) that the vaccine is the ticket back to pre-pandemic life,” said Wen. “And the window to do that is really narrowing. You were mentioning about how all these states are reopening. They’re reopening at 100%.”

“We have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status,” she continued. “Because otherwise, if everything is reopened, then what’s the carrot going to be? How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine?” Vaccine Passports were the secret plan all along.

Government lockdowns are being used to usher in total slavery, segregation and discrimination via Vaccine Passports

The government lock downs are part of a plan to terrorize and coerce people to give up their body autonomy and critical thinking skills, so the vaccine and tech industry can enforce bodily requirements on all people and set up a digital surveillance system as a prerequisite to “freedom.” These digital surveillance systems will enslave the world to vaccine permission scans, DNA surveillance and medical mandates, while segregating and isolating anyone who doesn’t follow along. The ongoing tyranny of lockdowns and medical edicts is simply a behavioral training program that coerces people to seek permission for their freedom and live in fear of false authorities.

These Vaccine Passports train everyone to give up their inherent freedoms, forcing people to seek permission from false authorities in order to gather, travel, buy, sell and participate in democracy. Freedom will be completely forgotten if this system is put in place. Medical fascists and central planners have been plotting to control people’s lives for years, and they are joining forces with big tech, corporations and big government policy makers to accomplish their goals.

Back in December 2020, these vaccine passport systems were already in the advanced stages of development in the United Kingdom. The London Guardian Today documented several accounts in 2020 where health ministers lied to the public about the existence of Vaccine Passports. Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove told the public there were no plans to issue “vaccination passports” that would require people to inoculate in order to enter bars, restaurants and other venues. Now, UK vaccine minister Nadhim Zahawi is coming clean about the “track and trace” app by the NHS, which records information on vaccine status and applies it to government lock down policy. The UK’s vaccine passport infrastructure includes facial recognition scans that tie bio-metrics and vaccine status together to restrict and control people throughout society.

Vaccine Passports, once considered a conspiracy theory, have been in development for over a year

A Swiss-based consulting firm, Zühlke Engineering, got involved with the NHS track and tracing app on December 17, 2020. The Guardian leaked the plan, which “details research into possible public attitudes to a Covid certificate, sometimes called a domestic Covid passport.” This passport system “would use vaccination status, a recent negative Covid test or proof of coronavirus antibodies to allow people into potentially packed places when the country opens up.”

The covid-19 testing requirements were one of the first steps toward implementing these totalitarian passports. These DNA-swabbing mandates slowly trained individuals to give up their rights, brainwashing them to believe that they are guilty subjects who have to prove their innocence in order to travel. The abusive swabbing of healthy people is now being replaced by vaccine requirements.

The app-based covid certificates include QR codes that are connected to the NHS app. These QR codes are used to grant vaccine-compliant people exclusive access to certain venues. The official Covid pass is a digital ID card that essentially creates a two-tiered society that discriminates and segregates against innocent people, stripping them of due process, accusing them of spreading diseases they do not have, and barring them from the rest of society. In nations governed by the rule of law, this Vaccine Passport should be dead on arrival because it violates the medical privacy of individuals upfront and turns people into property, subject to bodily requirements. Vaccine passports, once considered a conspiracy theory, are now being pushed onto people as a mark of the beast system.

The British government contracted with multiple firms last year to develop Covid “freedom passports.” When Prime Minister Boris Johnson suggested that pubs would be able to use the vaccine passes at their discretion, backlash quickly ensued. Boris appeared generous when he threw a bone to the people and announced that pubs and restaurants would be exempt from the requirements. The Vaccine Passport is being sold to the public in its most draconian form, so that populations can be slowly weakened into accepting bits and pieces of its oppression. The deceit and oppression of the Vaccine Passport is the kind of attack on freedom that warrants tribunals and quite possibly, a new world war.

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