Global civilization expert Fred Markert talks about America’s collapse – Part 2: The Present

(Planet-Today) Civilization expert Fred Markert joined the Health Ranger and Natural News founder Mike Adams to talk about America’s collapse in August 2020. Earlier, Markert talked about the origins of cultural Marxism through the Frankfurt School and how it infiltrated the U.S. through education and mass media. The global civilization expert also elaborated on the life cycle of empires, and remarked that the U.S. is indeed in its decadence phase with societal collapse soon to follow.

(Article by Mike Adams republished from

Markert and Adams broached the matter of commerce and the current global financial system. The dominance of the dollar as a result of the Bretton Woods Agreement appears to be coming to an end. According to Markert, gold and silver prices are spiking due to concerns regarding the stability of the dollar. With the Federal Reserve printing more dollars, Adams then asked: “How many more trillions are needed before other nations say ‘Stop'”?

“The dollar system only works as long as other countries are willing to loan us money – depending on their confidence in American stability,” Markert answered. He quoted the French philosopher Voltaire, who said in 1729 that “paper money will revert to its intrinsic value of zero over time.” The expert remarked that the dollar is indeed headed in that direction, and it was only a matter of time before it did so. Economists have projected a massive global recession worse than the Great Depression of the 1920s, and lawmakers have only succeeded in delaying it. “Politicians have been ingenious in finding new ways to kick the can down the road,” Markert commented.

Adams commented that given this projection, there is no way to avoid a catastrophic collapse. The expert agreed with him, commenting that the U.S. is incredibly unstable in many ways. Markert continued that the complexity of American society only exacerbated the collapse.

Markert offered a scathing critique of the current educational system

According to the civilization expert, highly complex societies lose the ability to suffer a mild collapse. The abundance of experts with complex skills and the lack of those with practical agrarian skills only makes matters worse. He added that the development of the atomic bomb during World War II started the American obsession with expertise without knowing much outside their field.

This obsession with expertise has resulted into three problems.

First, it drove everyone to study for a college degree despite only about 30 percent getting it. According to Markert, a standard four-year degree takes six years to get nowadays, and 56 percent drop out in the process.

Second, it caused trades and agrarian knowledge to diminish in importance. Markert commented that given college is not for everyone, trade schools are an alternative option in place of university degrees. Trade schoolers tend to do better and earn more than college graduates, which contributed to 59 percent attending these alternative institutions.

Third, the obsession with expertise has caused a “virtualization” of skill sets in abstract ideas – without any connection to reality. The expert remarked that trade schools teach hands-on skills while academia focuses on abstract concepts. “The idea of using your hands to do something is now an alien concept,” he said.

Markert warned that the low numbers of students entering the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and the focus on soft sciences will be disastrous. Seventy-six percent of infrastructure is in decay and the U.S. has resorted to importing engineers from other countries to keep it running.

Reading, science and mathematics are the key subjects to keep infrastructure in working condition – and the U.S. used to be No. 1 in these. Markert lamented that the country has fallen to the 70th place in reading, 27th place in science and 37th place in mathematics over the years. If this will not be addressed, he warned that the U.S. would have insufficient material to maintain the current complex society.

Furthermore, the expert also lamented that America “has lost the understanding of antiquity” and abandoned Western civilization. The foundational documents of the civilization are no longer taught in schools, instead being replaced with ideas that starve its roots and deconstruct the system into a dystopia. Markert criticized the prevalent idea in college campuses that anything can be racist or sexist – such as college entrance exams, rational thinking and citing the works of Plato.

The Health Ranger surmised that this is part of a larger plan to create “self-traumatized [and] psychologically damaged children who do not recognize logic and have no ability to think critically.”

Markert agreed with him, saying that the products of the current education system are “barely smart enough to use Microsoft Word and run spreadsheets and keep the machinery of civilization going, but devoid of reasoning and critical thinking.”

Markert gave four signs of America being in the decadence phase

During the conversation, Markert gave four signs that the U.S. is currently in the decadence phase.

First, classical and Judeo-Christian values are being replaced with unrestricted hyper-individualism and moral relativity. Concepts such as unity, objectivity and critical thinking are being aggressively done away – alongside the knowledge from Plato and the other founding documents.

Second, creativity becomes “microscopically innovative but macroscopically a failure.” Markert gave the example of smartphones both advocated by Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Despite their differences, both Big Tech figures do not allow their children to use mobile devices because of “how destructive they are to young minds.” The expert said that because of the ubiquity of smartphones, “people are losing the ability to think and analyze deeply.”

Third, hyper-sexuality without the intent of procreation becomes rampant. This, alongside society’s rejection of nuclear families, contributes to the demographic crisis in America – something illegal immigration seeks to fill. Markert told Adams that religious societies reproduce because they have hope for the future, while non-religious societies do not reproduce as they only see an impending dystopia ahead.

Fourth, foundational principles are deconstructed and revisionist ideas are reduced to trite phrases. Markert cited arguments supporting illegal immigration, such as “no person is illegal” and “we are all a nation of immigrants” as examples of this. He argued that “America was founded on the Protestant Christian ethic,” and the current waves of immigration do not value this philosophy. Markert cited Hispanic and Muslim immigrants who do not assimilate well. Hispanics and their Catholic leanings are incompatible with the American ethic due to their diminished adherence to the Bible. Muslims do not assimilate at all – and will even impose a 7th century Arabic civilization on top of the one in where they live.

Now that these concerns have been laid out, the question is this: Does America still have any hope?

Check out to read more articles about the signs of decadence present in American society.

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