Fauci: Go ahead and hug family, but only if you’re vaccinated

(Planet-Today) Garden Gnome Fauci was caught blabbering nonsense on the “news” again, this time concerning when, in his egotistical view, it might be “safe” to hug a family member.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from NaturalNews.com)

The answer, of course, is only when everyone has been vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Until then, Fauci wants you to stay home, wear a mask and eagerly await his next installment of genius wisdom.

According to Fauci, it is “very likely” that two vaccinated family members can safely hug one another, but only if they both wear a mask to make the interaction as creepy and non-human as possible.

Once a person gets stabbed with a Chinese virus needle, the things that he or she can do become “much, much more liberal in the sense of pulling back on stringent public health measures.”

“For example, if you’re vaccinated and you have a member of your family vaccinated – someone who has not lived with you – can you actually be with them without a mask?” Fauci asked rhetorically during a recent fake news appearance on MSNBC.

“Can I sit down and give them a hug and things like that? And the answer is very likely, of course you can.”

On the other hand, if only 10 percent of “society” is vaccinated, then “you’re not going to be able to go to a restaurant or go to a theater because it’s not going to be opening,” Fauci proceeded to decree, as if he holds legitimate authority over such things.

“So, that’s the reason why you’ve got to separate it from what you can do in a certain vacuum versus what you can do in society,” he added.

Fauci’s a war criminal who’s responsible for unleashing hell on the planet

According to the latest figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a private corporation, about 42 million people living in the United States have been vaccinated with at least one dose of a China virus injection. Of these, only 17 million have received both doses.

This is not enough, according to Fauci, to get things back to normal. It could take until 2022, 2023, or who knows when to satisfy Fauci’s requirements to return back to “normalcy” where, you know, people are allowed to interact as they were designed to do.

Keep in mind that Fauci is directly responsible for unleashing the WuFlu, having “hot-wired” the virus to be contagious in humans.

The China virus was deliberately engineered as a bioweapon to collapse the global economy and massively depopulate the planet. Thus far, it is working marvelously at accomplishing these two globalist goals.

From the start of all this, Fauci’s prescription for Chinese germs has changed almost daily. First it was no masks, then it was masks, then it was two masks, then it was masks and vaccines, and so on and so forth.

Why anyone would agree to listen to this midget stooge is beyond comprehension, especially when their lives and livelihoods – and that of their children and grandchildren – is on the line. Do people really want to live under Fauci slavery for the rest of their lives?

“Why does this little bureaucrat think anyone needs his permission to do anything?” asks one Citizen Free Press commenter. “Besides, he’ll change his mind tomorrow.”

“As the highest paid operative in D.C., certainly he will guarantee the safety of the vaccine with his own assets,” joked another commenter. “If not, why not? Why do the vaccine makers have immunity from prosecution for a ‘safe’ product?”

More of the latest news about Fauci and his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) can be found at Pandemic.news.

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