Dozens of Italian teachers fall ill after getting vaccinated for coronavirus

(Planet-Today) Several dozen teachers in Italy called in sick from work after Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines from AstraZeneca left them violently ill.

Students enrolled at two middle schools near Treviso in northern Italy actually had to be sent home an hour earlier than normal because their teachers were too sick to continue educating them.

At the Duca degli Abruzzi high school, 15 of the school’s 130 teachers were absent, complaining of malaise, fever and pain deep in their bones. At San Domenico Savio, a local primary school, two of the three teachers called in sick with similar complaints about vaccine side effects that left them incapacitated.

Many other schools in the area are reportedly suffering from a similar lack of healthy teachers, prompting them to close until they can find proper replacements.

Local Italian media reported that some 3,000 teachers were vaccinated on Saturday, followed by another 2,500 who were scheduled to receive the jabs before the end of the weekend. By Monday, a wave of sickness from the shots was already in full swing.

“All the teachers inoculated against the coronavirus were under 55 years of age and all received the AstraZeneca vaccine,” reports explain.

Italy’s vaccination campaign offers “free” coronavirus vaccines to all teachers

The teachers who took the stab and got sick thought they were taking advantage of a “benefit,” as Italy is offering “free” Chinese virus vaccines to all teachers throughout the country between the ages of 18 and 55.

Meanwhile in Germany, the Duchess Elisabeth Hospital in Braunschweig suspended its vaccination program with the AstraZeneca vaccine for the WuFlu after 37 of its 88 vaccinated employees wound up bedridden after getting stabbed.

Nearly half of the hospital’s staff, in other words, is now unable to work thanks to the vaccines, which are completely unnecessary and highly dangerous, we now know.

At least one region of Sweden likewise suspended its AstraZeneca Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccination scheme back in mid-February after “more people than expected” developed a fever and other debilitating side effects following injection. Two locations in Lower Saxony followed suit after their clinic employees suffered similar fates.

The goal from back in May was to vaccinate half of Great Britain with AstraZeneca’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine before the end of the year. That campaign ran into problems after human test subjects started developing rare neurological conditions after getting stabbed.

AstraZeneca then started to “accidentally” administer half-doses of its jab, which supposedly produced better outcomes – probably because recipients were receiving far less poison inside their bodies.

Compared to the Pfizer and BioNTech China virus jabs being administered in the United States, AstraZeneca’s jab has not been shown to be at all effective. Truth be told, neither has the Pfizer and BioNTech jab, as all of these vaccines are injuring and killing people while providing no protection against Chinese germs.

“They should have vaccinated all politicians first,” wrote one commenter at Breitbart News, trumpeting a sentiment that many of us feel concerning who should have received these experimental gene therapy injections first. “That way if there’s a problem with the ‘vaccine,’ we haven’t lost anything.”

Another wrote that these vaccines, which do not even meet the legal or scientific definition of vaccines, are “an intelligence test” to see who is dumb enough to actually take them. “An intelligence test with consequences,” this person further wrote.

Many others seem to hold a similar view that only the lowest IQ people out there would be willing to take any “vaccine” for which the manufacturer holds no liability.

To keep up with the latest news about the injuries and deaths caused by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines, visit

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