Vaccine passports thwarted in the UK, at least for now

(Planet-Today) The world is in short supply of principled and courageous leaders – leaders who will support the rights, medical freedom and dignity of individuals. The people must speak up and put pressure on their elected and unelected officials, to thwart any and all efforts to enslave people using covid-19 “vaccine passports.”

(Article by Lance D Johnson republished from

The government of the United Kingdom intended to introduce “Vaccine Passports” – digital scans that coerce travelers to seek travel approval from healthcare professionals, which includes submission to DNA swabs, multiple inoculations, and other medical examinations as a precondition to board flights. However, that plot has been thwarted in the UK, at least for now.

The plot to enslave humanity to a mindless medical police state has hit a road bump in the UK

Prime Minister Boris Johnson suggested in December that vaccines may be required in order for people to travel, enter restaurants, or gather at entertainment venues. When people line up for the vaccines, they are given a vaccine card, which documents the first of two doses given experimentally by drug companies looking to profit from the new mRNA vaccine operating system. Globalists like Boris Johnson have made their intentions clear, that they want to incorporate this medical information into a digital database or app, so people can be easily controlled and scanned. The digital “Vaccine Passport” was intended to be used as a mark, a rite of passage stripping populations of their freedoms and human dignity. The “unvaccinated” individual is ultimately to be targeted, treated as less than human, shamed as an inherent vector of disease, threatened to submit to DNA swabs that do not even detect infectious virus material accurately.

Britain’s Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department of Health and Social Care, Nadhim Zahawi, has currently put a halt on the globalist plot to coerce vaccine compliance, at least for now, in the UK. He spoke to BBC’s Andrew Marr and said that the government has “no plan of introducing a vaccine passport” because “vaccines are not mandated in this country.” Zahawi said vaccines are administered only with the consent of the individual. Bypassing human consent is “not how we do things in the UK,” he stated.

“We yet don’t know what the impact of vaccines on transmission is and it would be discriminatory,” he iterated. Zahawi is Britain’s vaccine deployment minister, tasked with covid-19 vaccine distribution. For now, he has elected to stand on principle, but has not spoken out against “Vaccine Passport” proposals being debated in other European countries. (Related: Universal vaccination passport has been in development since 2018, requires absolute compliance with endless list of vaccines.)

UK Health Ministers set example, but do not try to influence vaccine human rights abuses in other countries

“Of course, you have the evidence that you’ve been vaccinated, held by your GP,” said Zahawi, crediting the vaccine card issued after vaccination. “And if other countries require you to show proof of that evidence, then that is obviously up to those countries.” While Zahawi is principled enough to defend the rights of people in the UK, he has not yet stood up to European allies who are plotting to mandate experimental mRNA programs on humans across the world.

James Cleverly, Great Britain’s Foreign Office Minister, said proof of vaccination could be required for British citizens who travel overseas if the destination country requires them. “We will work with international partners to help facilitate their border arrangements and their immigration arrangements. We’ll have to see what countries, what the international community, put in place once vaccines around the world are as effectively distributed.”

While UK leaders promise that vaccines will be voluntary, they fail to stand up for human rights around the globe. Medical experimentation, emboldened by coercive Vaccine Passports, could quickly become the most egregious violation of the Nuremberg Code since the international treaty was established in the wake of World War 2. Let’s hope their decision sets an example.

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