FBI raids Trump supporters who spoke at rally the DAY BEFORE the Capitol ‘storming’; interrogates random Trump supporters who never even went

(Planet-Today) The FBI reportedly raided the homes of two Trump supporters who spoke at rallies the day before the Capitol protest and is now contacting random Trump supporters who didn’t attend any Capitol protest-related events for questioning.

(Article by Chris Menahan republished from InformationLiberation.com)

From CNN:

The FBI recently raided the homes of two men who sponsored an invective-laced rally near the US Capitol a day before the deadly insurrection, the first known search warrants involving people who organized and spoke at rallies preceding the attack.

CNN learned of the raids through an eyewitness account, public records, a lawyer representing one of the rally organizers and an FBI spokeswoman who confirmed details of the searches.

FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller confirmed that federal agents executed search warrants last week at two properties in Orange County, California, which public records indicate belong to Russell Taylor and Alan Hostetter. The two men run the American Phoenix Project, which co-sponsored a pro-Donald Trump rally near the Supreme Court on January 5, one day before the attack.

Neither man has been charged with any crimes.

Footage of the rally shows the men spewing militant vitriol: Hostetter told the crowd to prepare for “war tomorrow” against “vipers” in Congress who refused to nullify President Joe Biden’s win. Taylor said, “We will not return to our peaceful way of life until this election is made right.”

Court documents related to the search warrants are still under seal, but the raids are the first publicly known federal actions against people who organized rallies linked to the Capitol attack. Federal investigators have issued more than 500 subpoenas and search warrants in the probe.

[…] An FBI spokesperson told CNN the search was conducted at the property Taylor owns at 6 a.m. Wednesday. CNN obtained photos and videos of FBI agents at his house hours later.

Spokespeople for the FBI and the Justice Department declined to comment further about the raids or what investigators were searching for, noting that the case files are still sealed.

A lawyer for Taylor, Dyke Huish, told CNN that the agents were “just gathering information on people that were at or near the Capitol building on the day in question,” referring to January 6. Huish said Taylor “cooperated with investigators” and the search was finished “without incident.” Eimiller, the FBI spokeswoman, said “no arrests were made” during the searches.

Taylor acknowledged the raid on his Orange County home in a Telegram post on Friday. Using a pseudonym, Taylor urged his followers to “hold the line,” adding, “I am working with a lawyer and per his recommendation he said to keep on the down low for a bit to stay off any radars.”

“Hostetter is a former infantryman, sheriff’s deputy, SWAT officer and police chief,” The Washington Post reported.

Their story sounds a bit strange, especially the whole part about how Taylor “cooperated with investigators.”

Neither took part in the “storming.”

Their story has a lot of parallels with Proud Boys founder Enrique Tarrio’s, who we now know was a “prolific” FBI informant for years.

I’m not making any accusations in this case but any time people shoot their mouths off about violent revolution you have to be suspicious.

The Gateway Pundit reported on Thursday that Noel Fritsch, formerly of Big League Politics, had his home visited by the FBI on Wednesday “even though he was no where near the rally or subsequent takeover of the Capitol Building.”

“Fritsch says that the agents harassed his pregnant wife and attempted to intimidate her, while she was home alone with their four young children,” The Gateway Pundit reported.

Hip hop artist and stanch lock down critic An0maly also said he was contacted by the FBI on Wednesday morning for questioning even though he “didn’t attend the event,” “wasn’t in DC” and “wanted zero part in it.”

[FBI discussion starts at 10:52.]

Tucker Carlson reported Thursday night that Bank of America searched through their customers’ data for purchases that may have been related to the Capitol protests and handed their private information over to the feds — which resulted in at least one entirely innocent person being questioned by the FBI.

As a reminder, the only person killed in the Capitol building was Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, who was shot dead at point blank range by a Capitol police officer while unarmed.

Officer Brian Sicknick, who was a patriot that was disgusted with our corrupt ruling class and had called for “regime change” in Washington in the past — reportedly died of a stroke after experiencing a blood clot.

From Forbes:

Two law enforcement officials told the New York Times last month that Sicknick’s injuries were the result of being hit in the head by a fire extinguisher, but a medical examiner has reportedly disputed that account, according to CNN, finding no evidence of blunt force trauma.

ProPublica reported last month that “the family got word that Brian Sicknick had a blood clot and had had a stroke; a ventilator was keeping him alive.”

Though the FBI is aggressively working to imprison everyone who had any connection to the Capitol protest, they took a knee during the Black Lives Matter riots last year.

The FBI also “took a knee” when it came to raiding Jeffrey Epstein’s island — video showed electronics from his house were removed before the FBI eventually raided the joint — and to this day they still don’t appear to have ever raided Epstein’s Zorro Ranch.

It came out just two weeks ago that billionaire Leon Black gave Jeffrey Epstein $158 million in addition to the bare minimum $46 million Epstein received from billionaire Les Wexner — were either of their homes raided by the FBI?

Of course not!

As a reminder, Epstein reportedly worked as an FBI informant to secure a sweetheart plea deal when he was facing life in prison back in 2007.

Epstein allegedly informed on two Bear Sterns executives — both of which were acquitted — and managed to serve only 13 months and had the FBI close their criminal probe into his alleged crimes.

Alexander Acosta, who oversaw the plea deal, reportedly told the Trump transition team when asked about his handling of the case that “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone.”

Incidentally, whatever happened to the “vast trove of lewd photographs” that “appear to be of underage girls” that the FBI seized from Epstein’s massive townhouse in New York City?

Did they seize the suspected blackmail Epstein had on high-level politicians to bury it?

The FBI was tipped off to Jeffrey Epstein’s operation all the way back in 1996 and did nothing to hold him accountable for over two decades. The whole case has been successfully covered-up and memory-holed.

Had the FBI spent one one-hundredth of the time they’re spending going after random Trump supporters on investigating Epstein’s network they could have blown the whole operation wide open.

They chose not to.

That should really tell you everything.

Read more at: InformationLiberation.com

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