Attorney who represented Trump in impeachment victory “under siege” by insane, lunatic Leftists who attacked his home and family

(Planer-t-Today) After President Donald Trump’s latest victory against yet another baseless impeachment witch trial, one of his defense attorneys, Michael Van Der Veen, is facing the wrath of the violent left.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

During an appearance on Fox News Channel‘s “America’s News HQ” program, Van Der Veen revealed that the consequence for him representing Trump is that his business, law firm, home and family are now “under siege” by those who hate Trump.

While Van Der Veen did not elaborate much beyond damage to his personal property and threats to his family and their well-being, his suggestion was that the “anti-fascists” have launched some kind of fascist, militaristic assault on his life and livelihood.

“My home was attacked,” Van Der Veen explained. “I’d rather not go into that. To answer your question, my entire family, my business, my law firm are under siege right now. I don’t really want to go into that, though. What I’d really like to do is talk about the merits of the case.”

CBS and other mainstream media outlets responsible for dividing America

Van Der Veen also made an appearance on CBS News, where he was forced into an uncomfortable confrontation with biased anchor Lana Zak.

After Zak blatantly mischaracterized Van Der Veen’s statements during the impeachment trial, as well as tried to cover for the doctored “evidence” that was presented by those seeking to take down Trump, Van Der Veen brilliantly put Zak in her place.

“No, you didn’t understand the case. I used the word ‘insurrection’ in my closing argument when quoting the charging documents,” Van Der Veen told Zak after she implied falsely that Van Der Veen used the word “insurrection” in his closing argument to support the idea that one actually occurred.

When Van Der Veen also brought up the fact that House managers doctored evidence to try to incriminate Trump, Zak tried to imply that the doctoring was minor and not all that big of a deal, to which Van Der Veen interjected sharply:

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait …. that’s not enough for you?” Van Der Veen said, repeatedly telling Zak that she was out of line for her suggestion.

“Listen, what has to happen is that the media has to start telling the right story in this country. The media is trying to divide this country. You are bloodthirsty for ratings, and as such you’re asking questions now that are already set up with a fact pattern.”

“I can’t believe you would ask me a question indicating that it’s alright just to doctor a little bit of evidence. There’s more stuff that we uncovered that they doctored, to be frank with you, and perhaps that will come out one day. But we won this case, and I’m not a sore winner … but what should happen is somebody should look at the conduct of these House managers. It’s unconscionable, aside from all of the due process violations that my client had, and the media should be looking at that at a square, straight way.”

What Van Der Veen was basically getting at is that the focus should be on prosecuting the deep state rather than on trying to go after Trump.

Van Der Veen went on to condemn CBS and other fake news outlets for their “slanted” reporting, calling on them to start reporting “more like PBS does” in order to have at least some semblance of journalistic integrity.

“I’m tired of the biased media on both sides, left and right,” Van Der Veen concluded, adding that what this country needs most right now is to come together rather than allow itself to be divided by the fake news media and corrupt politicians.

More related news about mainstream media deception and lies can be found at

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