This Is How IPads and Smartphones Affect Your 2-year-old Children

Smartphones and children have been a subject much debated lately, specifically for the effects produced in the health and socialization of the smallest of the house. Those who warn about the dangers of technology and children think that they cause health damage and argue through important conditions such as tumors and cancer.
Until now, the indiscriminate use of electronic devices such as ” smartphones ” and ” Ipads “, has benefited the sedentary lifestyle , which is the main cause of obesity worldwide , whose rates seem to be increasing, especially in the population Children and youth. In general, the criticisms are directed to the little socialization that the excess use that these apparatuses generate, since, the preferences by the telephones in some children seem to increase more than in others.
What are the effects of technology and children?
-Babies Need Movement: Regardless of the research that has been around lately about the effects of such smartphones on children under 2 years of age (and older), it is important to note that all children need to explore the environment for their development , such as crawling , Walking, climbing, jumping, dancing, running, etc., all this is not possible nor can be achieved by sitting in an armchair, lying in bed or in arms.
At the same time, the children are in movement allows them the cerebral development, whose process begins from the maternal womb and lasts until the 4-5 years after the birth, reason why, during that period, the cerebral structures Continue to develop as well as the synapses (junctions of neurons). From that experience, the organism needs to generate answers to the demands of the environment, so allow your children to know your body and learn to control it through this experience, even if it involves disorder and noise in the home.
-They need to experiment with the senses: neurodevelopment is also implicit in the nervous system to process the information that enters the 5 senses and can be able to learn, as well as it is vital for them to assimilate the vestibular and proprioceptive stimuli , such as: Balance and movement and sensations from the body, respectively. All this is possible by playing, discovering new textures and temperatures, using musical instruments, going to the park, swinging, singing and getting dirty.
-They need to develop their communication: communicating is not about seeing images in electronic devices, efficient communication is based on the ability to make known to the other what really wants to communicate as well as being able to understand what the rest exposes us, Having vocabulary is important, but it does not represent communication.
Children learn to communicate with smartphones by interacting with people, not with electronic devices , listening to their parents, playing with cousins ​​and siblings, solving problems, singing, listening to stories, and all those activities in general that involve the exchange of ideas. Social skills.
–Ameritan develop basic notions: learning basic notions is possible through experiences, spatial notions like (up, down, far, ahead, behind, inside, outside), or temporary (before, after, first, slow, during). Here also lie the concepts of weight, similarities and distances, because the existing games in electronic devices address these concepts, however, do not let the child learn where it is up or which toy is heavier than another.
In technology and children, not everything is so bad!
Smartphones and Ipads do not cause extreme damage or irreversible to your children as long as they do not replace the rest of the experiences, for example, do not spend time in excess to teach games in these devices, rather spend time in outdoor activities And if possible with your toys , this way you will be contributing in the development of your intelligence.
They run, they laugh, they fall, they mess up, they dance and they fight with the brothers or cousins, which is a sign of children who develop healthily, while with electronic devices they can not do this, try to select educational games, Learning and having fun at the same time.

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