This Ancient Remedy “Cures All Diseases” HIV, AIDS, Diabetes, Cancer, Stroke, STDs, Arthritis & More…

This ancient remedy cures many diseases including HIV, AIDS, diabetes, stroke, arthritis and many more. According to recent studies, black cumin seed oil (nigella sativa) has the ability to inhibit cancer cell activity and is a potential cancer cure. This oil and its extract called thymoquinone have exhibited potent anti-cancer activity when faced against liver, pancreatic, cervical, breast, stomach, colon and prostate cancer, as well as against lymphoma and melanoma. However, the studies have so far been done only on animals, and there’s been no advance in human clinical trials yet.
And, although several studies have showed what the black cumin seeds oil can do, modern medicine still doesn’t recognize it. Continue reading the article to learn more about why there are no human clinical trials and why Big Pharma is trying to subdue the use of the oil.
According to two studies conducted in China and Saudi Arabia in 2011 which reviewed literature on the use of the oil as a cancer treatment, the black cumin seed oil has been used as a natural cancer remedy for millennia. The oil and its extract have also been used against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease and more.
The scientists also noted that the mechanism behind the anti-cancer properties of the black cumin seed oil is not understood. Some think that it’s all due to the antioxidant effects of thymoquinone and its ability to reinforce the immune system, but this claim hasn’t been supported by scientific evidence. Studies have shown that the oil induces apoptosis in cancer cells besides controlling the Apk pathway, which means that it controls cell survival throughout the body. And, although the oil has been used for millennia, modern medicine has only learned about it in the past few decades.
Black cumin seed oil and honey work together
In one Egyptian study, scientists exposed rats to a strong carcinogen and have been studying the effects of black cumin seed oil and honey on the disease. There were 4 groups of rats in the study – one was fed with black seeds and honey, while the 3 other groups were fed either honey or black seeds. The results showed that the group fed with black cumin seeds had 80% of protection against oxidative stress and cancer formation, while this number jumped to 100% in the group that was fed both ingredients together.
Black cumin seed oil is great against radiation
A Turkish study from 2014 discovered that black cumin seed oil can help people undergoing radiation therapy against cancer recover. Most of these patients experience terrible side-effects from the treatment which could even be fatal. The study focused on the effects of the oil on irradiated rats. The animals were exposed to gamma radiation and divided into 2 groups – one was fed with about a gram of the oil and hour before the radiation, while also receiving a 10gr. dose in the next 10 days. The other group was given a saline solution, and the control group was not irradiated.
The results showed that black cumin seed oil reduce oxidative stress markers and has powerful antioxidant effects while increasing the oxidative capacity of the liver tissues. Administering the oil 10 days prior to the radiation and for 10 days afterwards protected the rats from the harmful effects of radiation.
A 2012 Indian study also examined the effects of the oil on mice exposed to gamma radiation. The study involved a group of healthy and a group of tumor bearing mice, which were given a dose of black cumin seed extract prior to the exposure (100 mg. per 1 kg. of body weight). The oil managed to protect the rats’ internal organs in both groups which confirms the oil’s protective effects and its antioxidant properties. Scientists believe that the oil can help humans as well, but there are still not clinical trials to confirm this.
Black seeds inhibit uncontrolled cell growth and kill liver cancer cells
Another study conducted in India in 2013 examined the effects of thymoquinone in 2 groups of rats – the first group received 0.01% of thymoquinone water, while the other one was given plain water. In only 16 weeks, the liver cancer nodules, injury markers and tumor markers were significantly decreased in the first group, and the rats didn’t develop new cancer nodules as well. This confirms thymoquinone’s amazing role in treatment of liver cancer and its powerful ability to prevent the proliferation of cancer cells.
Black cumin seed oil kills lung cancer cells
In 2014, Saudi Arabian scientists have stated that black seeds have been used in traditional medicine for centuries thanks to their powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. To confirm this, they conducted a study which examined the effects of black cumin extract on human lung cancer cells in a lab. The cancer cells were exposed to 0.01 mg/ml of the oil and 1mg/ml of the extract and the cells’ viability was examined afterwards. Both the extract and the oil managed to reduce the population of living cancer cells and changed their cellular morphology, and the scientists concluded that the level of cell death rose with greater concentration of the extract or oil.
Black cumin seed compounds kill brain cancer cells
An Ohio State University from 2013 suggested that glioblastoma is the most aggressive type of brain tumor in humans. The scientists stated that there’s need for additional therapies for glioblastoma, and the study focused on thymoquinone due to its powerful anti-cancer properties. Thymoquinone targets the cancer cells specifically without harming the healthy cells.
The study also looked at how thymoquinone inhibits the cancer cells of the brain and spinal cord and make clones of themselves without harming the normal cellular activity in the brain. The black cumin seed extract inhibits autophagy as well. Autophagy in cancer cells allows them continued growth by maintaining their cellular energy production, so when this get cut off, cancer cells are no longer able to grow. This shows that thymoquinone and black cumin seed oil are indeed a potential natural cancer cure.

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