Russian Doctor Claims Your Immune System Can Recover In Only 15 Seconds! Here’s How!

Recover your immune system in only 15 seconds. If you frequently suffer from colds and the flu, you need to immediately strengthen the immune system and avoid further complications and health problems.

According to a popular Russian doctor, Dr. Sergei Bubnovkiy, the immune system will be significantly boosted if you soak your legs in ice cold water for 10-15 seconds every day. He also claims that this method will also prevent colds and the flu.
Namely, you should fill a basin with cold water, and add as much ice as you have at home in it, but the more you add, the better. Then, put the feet in the water and keep them submerged for 10-15 seconds. Repeat every night before going to sleep.
If your immune system is too weak, repeat every 4 hours.
A recent study conducted at the University of Virginia found that the icy water actually stimulates the production of norepinephrine, which is a vital hormone for strengthening the immune system.
Furthermore, the icy water offers numerous other health benefits, including:
Ease Sore Muscles
Soaking the feet in icy water relieves the pain in the muscles.
Fights Depression
The cold receptors affect the skin, so the icy water will treat the depression symptoms and improve mood.
Healthier Skin
The cold water therapy energizes the skin, prevents clotting, and tightens the pores and cuticles.
Hair Shine
The cold water closes the follicles and makes the hair shiny and smooth.
Therefore, you should definitely make this trick a daily routine, and enjoy its numerous benefits!

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