We share a tokoloshe nightmare!

We share a tokoloshe nightmare!
Isaac Malope says he has spent a lot of money on sangomas, without any results. Photo by Kgalalelo Tlhoaele
ISAAC Malope (56) is fighting to save his marriage.  But it has nothing to do with a cheating partner or fights over money.
Isaac from Allemansdrift near Siyabuswa, Mpumalanga, told Daily Sun he and his wife have always been happy together.
But these days they are afraid to go to bed because they are always woken by nightmares, followed by strange loud sounds on the roof.
Isaac said the problem started 25 years ago when he and his wife were terrorised by a tokoloshe, but they consulted a sangoma and the creature went away.
But now the tokoloshe is back and things have gone from bad to worse.
“We both have the same terrible dream every night. We see a small skull, like that of a baby, and a snake that turns into a pipe,” said Isaac.
“The tokoloshe sleeps with us and we can’t even make love.”
He said the noise often happens when they try to sleep.
Isaac said a prophet told him he has a gift but some of his relatives were jealous of him.
“They are making me suffer by sending a tokoloshe.”
He said he was worried because the problem has affected his wife.
“I fear that my wife might leave me. I’m appealing to anyone who can help save my marriage,” he said.
Isaac said he has spent a lot of money on sangomas, without any results.
“Some of the money came from sympathetic friends who wanted our problem solved.”
Sangoma Sibongile Maluleka said: “Some of the dreams are happening because their ancestors are trying to communicate with them while others may be because they are being bewitched. They need to perform a ritual at their house.”
Anyone who can help Isaac should call Daily Sun’s Tshwane offices.

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