Trump to Prosecute Bill Gates for ‘Crimes Committed Against America’

The incoming Trump administration is reportedly determined to prosecute Dr. Anthony Fauci and send the billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates to Guantanamo Bay on charges of crimes against humanity.

TPV: According to a Trump transition team insider, this legally complex plan involves stripping Gates of his U.S. citizenship and designating him as an enemy combatant—allegedly for crimes committed against America on behalf of the globalist agenda.

With emerging claims that Gates may be directly tied to over a million American deaths, these extraordinary measures are said to be a central part of Trump’s mission to not only “Make America Great Again,” but to make it healthy and just once more.

Just a few years ago, the elite were celebrating what they believed to be their so-called “final solution” for humanity—the COVID mRNA vaccine. Their plan? To inject every single person on Earth, multiple times, over and over, for decades to come.

Now, Gates and Bourla are facing trial in the Netherlands for their role in the Covid plandemic and lying to the masses about the deadly consequences of the Covid mRNA vaccines.

According to a key member of the Trump transition team, the Dutch court better move quickly if they want to convict Bill Gates—because he’s slated to be shackled and sent to Guantanamo Bay to face charges of crimes against humanity.

According to the transition team, Gates must be tried for his crimes because they are unprecedented in the history of the world.

The COVID vaccination campaign is the first vaccination campaign in history to result in excess deaths going up, rather than down.

Following the vaccine rollout in the US, excess deaths were up 40%, mostly among working age people. To put these numbers into context, life insurance executive Scott Davison, CEO of insurance giant One America, said in January 2022:

“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic…So 40% is just unheard of.”

The figure of over 1 million US excess deaths since the vaccine roll-out is corroborated by former Wall Street Blackrock investment analyst Edward Dowd.

That the COVID vaccines contributed significantly to these excess deaths is no longer in question, but is studiously ignored, suppressed, and gaslighted in the mainstream media.

Less known, but as important, is the extensive money trail left by one key player with tentacles throughout government, media, and the medical and science establishment, of which Richard Horton, long-time chief editor of the Lancet, wrote in 2015: “much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue” and is “afflicted…with  flagrant conflicts of interest.”

That key player is Bill Gates, who has uncanny connections to all the key elements of the “COVID plandemic.” Among these are:

Direct funding, as the announcements of COVID deaths began in March and April of 2020, of the British professor who authored non-peer-reviewed “Report 9,” as it is known, which was cited by governments around the world to justify unprecedented “lockdown” policies, which imprisoned people in their own homes.

Direct funding of rigged WHO Solidarity Trials of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a remedy for COVID, which administered possibly lethal doses of HCQ to test subjects in order to predictably arrive at the conclusion that it was not a good remedy, contrary to myriad other science which showed the opposite.

Funding and helping to organize, through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, “simulation” exercises for pandemic outbreaks of COVID, Bird Flu, and Monkey Pox, all long before actual rises in cases were reported.

Funding, through the same center at the UK’s Imperial College where the “Report 9” lockdown paper was authored, the study endlessly cited in the media which holds that “20 million” lives have been saved by the COVID vaccines, a figure called “nonsense” by University of Ottawa Professor Denis Rancourt.

Bill Gates funding is also behind an organization which attacked the medical licenses of doctors who challenged the official narrative that there was no effective treatment for COVID until a vaccine was found, and various “fact-checking” websites which misrepresented and attacked any studies or scientists who disagreed with the official COVID narrative.

All while funding such fraudulent science, Gates helped set into motion the fake news that the COVID vaccines stopped the transmission of COVID from person to person, making it imperative for responsible people, even those not at risk, to get the shots.

As Bill Gates himself said, plain and simple—they didn’t want you to have a choice.

Never underestimate the depths of darkness that the elite are willing to plunge into to further their agenda to enslave the human race.

Ever heard of SV40? Well, the COVID vaccines are contaminated with the stuff.

Simian virus 40 is a polyomavirus that stimulates tumor growth. It’s so powerful that scientists use it on lab rats to trigger tumors, allowing them to test chemotherapy treatments.

But hey, don’t worry, because the TV doctors, pundits, and mainstream journalists are all insisting that SV40 not responsible for the so-called “turbo cancer explosion”—yes, the same people who were shaming you into getting the shot in the first place.

This is “pure evil” hiding in plain sight, as Prof. Angus Dalgleish explains.

Tell me again about the safety testing and “risk assessment”… oh wait—there was none!

Dr. Anthony Fauci is campaigning for a preempive pardon from Joe Biden for any potential crimes he may have committed over the course of his lengthy career. And honestly, it’s no surprise.

Over the years, the modern-day Dr. Mengale has repeatedly slipped up, making a series of shocking admissions that revealed glimpses of his true agenda.

For decades, the elite have been working hand-in-hand with figures like Fauci to introduce infectious agents—and their so-called cures—to the world.

But the people are waking up. We’re no longer falling for their lies, their manipulation, or their schemes.

Big changes are coming—brace yourself.

In a shocking revelation out of Slovenia, a whistleblower nurse has come forward with alarming claims about the COVID-19 vaccine program.

According to Slovenian media reports, the head nurse at the University Medical Center in Ljubljana—responsible for receiving and distributing vaccines—has accused the program of secretly administering what she describes as “death jabs.”

At a press conference, she presented vials with coded labels—each marked with a 1, 2, or 3—and explained their chilling significance.

The elite have been deceiving us and plotting against us for generations, but enough is enough—it’s time to take a stand.

Big Pharma has been one of the biggest scams in history, designed to exploit consumers and undermine public health since the Rockefellers first laid its foundation.

Dr. Judy Mikovits explains what she and key members of the transition team think it will take to make America healthy again.


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