MEDICAL FRAUD in America is the NORM: If a doctor can make you sick, label you sick, and keep you sick, their practice gets more funding from the crooked system

  • Dr. Scott Jensen exposes mass-medical fraud in the United States, revealing that healthcare systems profit more from keeping patients sick.
  • Insurance companies and healthcare providers incentivize doctors to push vaccines by offering substantial bonuses based on vaccination rates, leading to a cycle of sickness for profit.
  • Jensen highlights the diabetes scam, where patients are labeled diabetic without proper treatment, solely for financial gain.
  • The U.S. medical system is criticized for its toxic and corrupt nature, focusing on profit over patient care.
  • Western medicine prioritizes expensive and harmful treatments, including addictive drugs and vaccines, leading to sicker patients and early mortality.

Dr. Scott Jensen is blowing the whistle on mass-medical fraud happening across the United States right now. This has been going on for some time. “I’m doctor Scott Jensen, and I am not exaggerating when I tell you, if you are a patient, your doctor, your insurance company, your clinic, your hospital, we can all get paid more if we make you sicker.”

“There are all kinds of incentive plans being doled out by insurance companies, governments and government programs to clinics and providers and healthcare systems. Literally doctors can get tens of thousands of dollars on an annual basis” for pushing vaccines to meet a certain threshold of their patients, like at 60% and 80%, and then they get paid the bonuses for EVERY patient that got injected with dirty vaccines. This keeps people sick, so the doctors and hospitals get paid more. It’s a vicious cycle that just keeps repeating because of… money. The doctors do not care at all about their patients getting well and healing because that means less pay.

Dr. Jensen goes on to blow the whistle on the whole diabetes scam in America. “If we can call you diabetic based on some parameters, even if we’re not treating you with the medication and didn’t even really do anything for you, if we can call you diabetic, and we do a test called an A-1-C, … and if we get a 6.8 reading, that allows us to call you ‘diabetic’ even if we don’t do anything for you” … “So, all of the sudden, you’ve got this bizarre incentive to call as many of your patients as possible diabetics.”

The U.S. medical system in general is becoming more toxic and corrupt by the day, and there is no more “care” in the mainstream “healthcare” system

It used to be that when someone said “drug dealer” they meant someone out on the streets selling weed, meth or cocaine. Nowadays, it means a medical quack who pushes highly addictive opioids and dirty jabs, like mRNA and the flu shots. Is your drug dealer visit covered by insurance? Guess what? It doesn’t matter, because it’s not helping you heal. That’s why Big Pharma has to give doctors bonuses to dole out the deadly drugs and vascular-clotting spike prion stabs.

It is not an exaggeration, conspiracy theory, or delusion that most medical doctors are not in the business of helping their patients heal. Sure, if you have a broken bone, deep wound, or you’re having a baby, the hospital is the best option, but other than that, it’s like a death wish, for the short-and-long-term possibilities.

Western medicine is not about patient outcomes, unless those outcomes mean the patient is six feet underground. Hospital protocol follows the most dangerous, experimental priorities first, and the most expensive ones too. Using addictive drugs, prescriptions that cause lots of horrific side effects, and vaccines that contain neurotoxins and spike proteins that ruin your health, doctors ensure return visits from their patients by keeping them sick, confused, and locked into the sick care system.

That’s why people who take prescription drugs and vaccines are the sickest people on planet earth, and they remain that way until their early passing. It’s unfortunate, and most of them will not listen to one ounce of advice from natural health advocates who know better.

Tune your internet dial to for more tips on how to use natural remedies for preventative medicine and for healing, instead of succumbing to toxic Big Pharma products, like addictive drugs and dirty vaccines, that cause, spread, and exacerbate disease and disorder. 

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