Mark Hamill Suffers Meltdown, Says He Will Sacrifice Career to Oppose ‘Orange Atrocity’

Star Wars actor Mark Hamill, once beloved as Luke Skywalker, has doubled down on his quest to oppose President-elect Donald Trump, even at the expense of any remaining relevance in Hollywood.

According to Hamill, his daughter has pleaded with him to tone down the embarrassing political rants, however he stubbornly refuses to take her advice, doubling down on his divisive online crusades.

“My daughter would say, Daddy, you shouldn’t tweet politically so much because, you know, people get so angry,” said Hamill.

“And so I wrote a tweet because I said the people complaining about my Trump tweets have to understand, I love my country and I feel it’s my patriotic duty to oppose this sociopathic … with every fiber of my being.”

“I mean, I do feel it’s an obligation,” Hamill continued. “And who cares about your career? People say, well, it’s hurting your career because you have to appeal to the whole country, not just half the country or 45% or whatever the MAGA crowd is.”

“But I said in the grander scheme of things, who cares if I lose a part in the movie because I hate the orange atrocity? I do. And I want people to know that.” Watch:

Hamill also launched into a muddled rant against the Electoral College, awkwardly trying to label it as racist while calling for its abolition, though his reasoning left many scratching their heads.

“I want to get rid of the Electoral College because Hillary beat him by three million votes, just two shy under three million and Gore beat W by half a million.”

“And it’s making me crazy because I started reading about the Electoral College. My God, this is the remnants of slave days when they were trying to, you know, proportion, the amount of votes with, you know, how many slaves you owned.”

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, figures like Hamill were relevant.


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