Bill Gates Admits ‘Disease X’ is Elite’s ‘Final Solution’ for a New World Order

The desperate elite are engineering the next phase of their control agenda, leveraging fear and panic through a new disease. According to a whistleblower from the Gates Foundation, Bill Gates has ramped up preparations for Disease X, a looming health crisis designed to justify forced vaccinations and forever lockdowns in 15 minute cities across the Western world.

TPV: If you’ve been connecting the dots, the pattern is disturbingly familiar: prominent tabletop exercises involving Bill Gates, the WEF and the WHO, mainstream media amplifying fear with synchronized narratives, governments quietly rewriting laws to enforce vaccinations, and Klaus Schwab dropping cryptic hints about the end of America and death of the nation state.

It’s a chilling rerun of the COVID-19 strategy, playing out in real time.

The eerie resemblance begs the question: is Disease X the catastrophic event Bill Gates ominously hinted at, the one that would “get everyone’s attention this time”? 

And is the vaccine they’ve miraculously prepared in advance the same one Gates once ominously referred to as the “final solution” for humanity? 

Three years ago billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates appeared on mainstream TV and used Third Reich terminology to describe the elite’s “final solution” for humanity.

Gates wasn’t joking. The vaccines they pushed onto the global population have already inflicted immense harm, drastically reducing numbers and leaving survivors with long-term damage.

But the elites aren’t stopping there—their plans are far from over.

According to the authoritarian health dictator at the WHO, Disease X is looming on the horizon and will definitely strike soon.

Of course, WEF-infiltrated governments are fully on board with the roll out. In moves that mirror Fauci’s deadly gain-of-function experiments, Britain’s highly secure Porton Down facility, which specializes in chemical and biological warfare, is said to be experimenting with “Disease X.”

Here is the BBC with a classic example of fake news fearmongering.

How is it even possible there is already a vaccine for “Disease X”?

For those on Team Reality, the fact they are working on a vaccine for Disease X in a chemical and biological weapons lab should tell you all you need to know.

Whenever the global elite, world leaders, and mainstream media begin singing from the same hymn sheet, we must tread very carefully, analyze everything they are saying, and call them out on their fearmongering and lies.

Remember, the dissemination of fear is a control tactic designed to terrify the sheep into submission.

As Dr. John Campbell explains, the WEF have now joined the chorus of fake news propaganda, which means the false flag viral outbreak designed to cripple the incoming Trump presidency and destroy the sovereignty of nation states is almost complete.

If “Disease X” is making absolutely no sense to you at all – then congratulations, you are in good company.

Anyone who survived the mass formation psychosis of the Covid pandemic and came out the other side with their critical thinking skills intact is thinking the exact same thing you are.

With knowledge comes responsibility. As those who can see through the elite’s agenda, it’s our duty to ensure they don’t succeed in pulling the same stunt again.

Given their ambitions to seize total control over humanity, the stakes could not be any higher.

Make no mistake, the plans to unleash Disease X on humanity have been in the works for years.

How do we know? Because as usual, the elite told us about their intentions in advance.

It’s called Revelation of the Method, a dark occult practice in which the elite subliminally broadcast their plans to humanity and then take the lack of resistance to be implied consent.

The Disease X has been planned down to the last detail. Is this the pandemic Gates smugly announced would get our attention this time?

We all know that COVID had a rehearsal within the Event 201 tabletop exercise. The exercise was conducted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in partnership with the World Economic Forum back in 2019.

Unsurprisingly, “Disease X” has also been rehearsed, this time at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security which hosted the Clade X pandemic tabletop exercise on May 15, 2018, in Washington, DC.

At the Clade X event, the NSA assembled a team of top advisors to discuss the mysterious illness which they say will emerge first in Germany and Venezuela, leading to a massive loss of life in just 36 hours and economic collapse

Of course, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has also been involved, funding the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations to invest millions in a startup with Jurata Thin Film Inc. to produce under-the-tongue wafers for needle-free vaccines. 

CEPI’s mission is to fund the development of “rapid response platforms to develop vaccines against ‘Disease X’ and develop mRNA vaccines that can be given to children and the unaware like candy.

Now they have the new range of vaccines, they can roll out their “slew of new injectables,” as neocon war criminal Tony Blair announced at Davos.

The man being groomed to take over from Klaus Schwab as the leader of the World Economic Forum wasn’t exaggerating.

The slew of new vaccines and injectables is as long as your arm and Bill Gates couldn’t wait to boast about them during his appearance at Davos, including the news that needles are on the way out and “little patches” will be in.

Did you notice Gates’ sly smile when he mentioned India – the country he recently described as his personal “laboratory” and the site of his worst crimes against humanity?

The psychopath has no shame.

Of course, there is no point trying to find any record of his crimes in India in the fully bought and paid for mainstream media. Those articles were scrubbed around the same time Gates start investing in the media.

Gates mentioned a new vaccine for HIV, which sounds great, until you read the fine print and realize that full-blown AIDS is one of the possible side-effects.

And if the Covid pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that potential side-effects, like myocarditis, sudden heart failure, and debilitating strokes, should be taken very seriously.

Really, we should have learned our lesson by now.

Pfizer has habitually engaged in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribed doctors, and suppressed adverse trial results.

In 2007, the Nigerian government sued Pfizer for $7 billion and accused the company of “carrying out illegal trials” that “killed or disabled children.”

But it gets even worse.

In 2010, leaked State Department cables revealed that Pfizer tried to blackmail Nigeria’s Attorney General into dropping the $7 billion lawsuit.

The Covid pandemic has taught us that mainstream media will go to any length to cover up the crimes of the global elite – even in the face of evidence that should see Gates, Tedros, and Fauci behind bars for the rest of their lives before they can do any more harm.

Like starting a new pandemic for which they already have a vaccine, for instance.

Don’t believe they are capable of starting a pandemic for their own evil purposes?

Here is Anthony Fauci laying out an evil plan to create the AIDS epidemic.

Many people do not realize that Covid was not Fauci’s first rodeo.

During the 1980s AIDS epidemic, Fauci told the world that the Big Pharma drug AZT was “safe and effective.” Does that sound familiar?

Just like his advice during the Covid pandemic, it turned out that Fauci was promoting a drug that was neither safe nor effective. While it lined his pockets and made Big Pharma companies even richer, it killed people by the millions.

As I said, Covid was not Fauci’s first rodeo.

Fauci was public enemy number one in the gay community during the AIDS epidemic. They understood the man’s true agenda – lining his own pockets while committing genocide and reducing the world population.

Genocide has been the agenda of the elites for decades.

Mass graves of thousands of children killed by Fauci in illegal experiments were found in New York in the 2000s, and what happened? The authorities and the media quietly swept the scandal under the carpet.

But all is not lost. Brave truth tellers and investigators are continuing to work on exposing his crimes.

And just as Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele’s crimes horrified the world when his atrocities were exposed after WW2, the scope and reach of Fauci’s horrific experiments on animals and children are leaving investigators stunned.

33 years ago, Dr. Robert Willner accused Anthony Fauci of Genocide during the AIDS epidemic. His speech is even more pertinent today.

Now with Robert F. Kennedy Jr nominated to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, we have the opportunity to finally achieve justice for the millions of victims of Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and the rest of the global elite.

And most importantly, we can stop them from repeating the cycle of their crimes and enslaving humanity.


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