Japan Sounds Alarm: mRNA Vaccines Linked to Global Population Decline and Cover-Up

Japan has raised urgent concerns regarding the mRNA vaccines administered worldwide in late 2020, which were initially labeled "safe and effective." Renowned Japanese scientists claim these vaccines may be contributing to a significant reduction in the global population, with allegations of a massive cover-up involving international organizations and various governments. With estimates of over one billion lives already lost, Japan's findings are reexamining the global depopulation crisis and calling for accountability for those implicated in these alleged "crimes against humanity."

TPV: Japan has issued a dire warning about the mRNA vaccines that were administered globally in late 2020 and declared “safe and effective.” According to Japanese scientists, these vaccines are safely reducing the global population and effectively collapsing populations.

The scientists, among the most respected in the world, also allege that international organizations such as the UN, along with multiple world governments, are involved in a massive cover-up to hide the full extent of this catastrophic loss of life.

According to the scientists, over one billion people have already perished, with many more deaths expected to follow.

Japan’s findings are redefining our understanding of the global depopulation crisis and highlighting the urgent need to hold those responsible for crimes against humanity accountable.

For years now the globalist elite have been telling us about their plans to depopulate the Earth from 8 billion people to just 500 million, but most people prefer to cover their ears and pretend nothing is awry.

Unfortunately for the sheeple, the days of being able to put their heads in the sand and pretend everything is OK are officially over.

Like many nations around the world, the Japanese population is in freefall and the Japanese are determined to expose the truth about the depopulation agenda unleashed on humanity by the global elite.

An aging population is only a part of the problem in Japan. Young people are dropping like flies as well.

The sudden death surge in Japan coincides exactly with the immediate aftermath of the Covid mRNA vaccine roll out in December 2020 and the numbers are continuing to skyrocket year on year.

Kazuhiro Haraguchi, the Minister of Internal Affairs, has formally apologized to the Japanese nation, declaring “You were right, vaccines are killing millions of our loved ones.”

Japan understands that apologizes are not enough and the government and universities have ordered thousands of scientific researchers to investigate the vaccines from every possible angle.

The Covid mRNA task force is determined to fully understand the “crimes against humanity” perpetrated during the Covid pandemic specifically related to the roll out of experimental mRNA vaccines.

You won’t hear about this on mainstream media. In fact, mainstream media has been enlisted to do everything they can to cover up, suppress, and bury this news.

Which is a crime in itself because groundbreaking revelations about the mRNA vaccines have been coming out of Japan in recent months.

A new Japanese study published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research proved that Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain unauthorized “animated worm-like” entities, invisible to the human eye, that swim, wriggle, and assemble themselves into complex structures.

The research can be replicated and scientists all over the world are stunned at what they are finding in the vaccines.

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger from the University of Geneva spoke with Pascal Najadi, the son of a World Economic Forum co-founder who is dedicated to bringing the global elite to justice.

Last week Japan’s largest national broadcaster, aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

The program received messages from over 2,000 viewers, revealing that the extent of the harms was greater than previously believed.

While Japanese media begins to approach the issue with honesty and due respect for the injured and killed, our media continues gaslighting the public and collaborating with the the elite to cover up the truth about the great depopulation event.

Unfortunately for the elite, the gaslighting is not working. We have the data and evidence necessary to prove they are lying and hold them to account at the Nuremberg 2.0 trials for crimes against humanity.

According to Japanese scientists and demographers, world governments are covering up the truth about the devastating scale of the population collapse happening around the world as we speak.

According to official data, most countries reported record excess deaths and record-low births in 2021 and 2022.

Governments are in the business of lying, particularly about crime and population statistics to fit agendas.

The globalists’ agenda on population is to convince us that it’s dangerously high, growing too quickly, and must be drastically reduced.

But do they really expect us to believe the world population is still surging ahead, hitting record highs, despite the fact that almost every country on earth is reporting record deaths and record-low births?

The true extent of excess deaths caused by the injections may remain hidden until the evidence becomes impossible to ignore.

But here is a list of countries that reported record-high excess deaths and record-low births in 2021 and 2022:

  • Japan: 1.58 million deaths in 2022 – the most since World War II
  • New Zealand: 38,574 deaths in 2022 – the most since 1918
  • Australia: record-low births and record-high deaths in 2021
  • U.K.: utilizing temporary morgues across the country due to “sharp rise in excess deaths“
  • The Netherlands: more deaths than births in 2022 – first time that’s happened since the year 1900
  • Germany: had virtually zero excess deaths in 2020, then the numbers skyrocketed in 2021
  • Nova Scotia (Canada): is reporting “unexpectedly high number of people are dying“
  • Philippines: 768,504 deaths in 2021 – the highest in one year since 1945.

That’s just a small sample. The list goes on and on. Norway, Italy and Japan all experienced record-low births in 2022. South Korea reported the lowest birth rate in the history of the world.

In other words, a lot of people of all ages are dropping dead and very, very few are being born.

We’re not going to bother with the US data because the Biden government blatantly lies about everything. But if we go by the Harvard Pilgrim standard of multiplying VAERS vaccine deaths by 100 for a more accurate overall picture, then at least 3.5 million Americans have died from the injections since 2021. That’s 125,000 excess deaths per month.

Then there is the naked eye test.

Athletes have been dropping like flies in unprecedented numbers with heart problems since 2021.

U.S. public schools have experienced record declines in enrollment since 2020.

YouTubers who shilled the shots to their followers are dying of cardiac arrest and turbo cancers.

And nurses who were mandated to get vaccinated and administered the shots to thousands are dropping dead in increasingly disturbing numbers every week.

Don’t forget, to the elites and their occult religion, death equals life and bad equals good.

They hate humanity and want to replace the vast majority of us with a class of servile AI bots.

That’s why the shots are causing mass deaths.

But you will never hear about it on mainstream media, because they are bought and paid for by Pfizer.

Of course, the sheeple have been corralled into a mass formation psychosis, and they will refuse to listen to you if you try and speak sense to them about any of these issues.

According to the mainstream in 2023, obesity is healthy. Ultra-processed foods aren’t unhealthy anymore. And the vaccines are not causing people to drop like flies.

George Orwell warned us about about these times. He said they would convince us that war is peace. How right he was.


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