Insider: Alex Soros Has Secret ‘Back Door’ Access To 23K Voting Machines

Alex Soros and the Open Society Foundation has secret back door access to 23,000 electronic voting machines in the United States according to a hacker who was shocked how easy it was to hack into the voting machines and program them to flip votes.

According to the hacker, the machines set to be used in the November presidential election have numerous vulnerabilities which are so outrageous they appear to be features rather than flaws, and they all lead back to the Soros family and their self-declared interest in US elections.

According to Democrats and the mainstream media, voter fraud does not exist, regardless of the emergence of statistically impossible voting patterns in key races that always end up going the way of the Democrats.

Democrats, along with their allies in the mainstream media, have spent the past few years labeling anyone who questions the legitimacy of the election as an “election denier” or “conspiracy theorist.”

Well, chalk this one up as another victory for so-called conspiracy theorists, because now they have been forced to admit that the nation’s voting machines are about as secure as leaving your house keys under the door mat.

In reality, electronic voting machines are one of the many methods that Democrats and their electoral allies have used to steal elections. The most notable example of this was in 2020, when machines played an important part in swinging the election to Joe Biden.

The fraud has become so blatant that even the mainstream media are finally having to admit the truth.

Politico unleashed an article titled “The nation’s best hackers found vulnerabilities in voting machines — but no time to fix them.”

Hackers said the vulnerabilities they found were “particularly troubling during an election year like this.”

As Politico admitted, the hackers “found vulnerabilities in EVERYTHING from voting machines to e-poll books.”

So, after years of gaslighting us, Democrats and the media are now openly confirming everything that we, the so-called conspiracy theorists, have been saying about voting machines since we started raising the alarm after the stolen 2020 election.

“As far as time goes, it is hard to make any real, major, systemic changes, but especially ninety days out from the election,” said Catherine Terranova, one of the organizers of the DEF CON “Voting Village” hacking event.

“It’s not a 90-day fix, It’s not a Microsoft every Tuesday, issue your patch and everything works fine,” Scott Algeier said. “It’s a pretty complicated process.”

The gist of this is that the hackers found outrageous vulnerabilities (in my opinion, features) that allowed hackers to flip votes without detection, and say we can’t fix it in time for the 2024 election.

How about this? We just stop using hackable voting machines and go back to paper ballots.

The UK gave us hand-counted results within hours.

India, a country of over a billion people, counted their votes by hand in less than a day.

Meanwhile Venezuela, the home of Smartmatic, gave us a rigged presidential election in favor of a socialist dictator that nobody in their right mind believes was legitimate.

Except for the far-left Soros family who are determined to continue gaslighting the public into accepting electronic voting machines.

As the hacker who exposed the vulnerabilities explains, Alex Soros and his fiance Huma Abedin understand that the November election is critical for their chance of staying out of a prison cell, and they will do anything to make sure the votes keep flipping to the Democrats.

Do you remember the time Hillary Clinton introduced her friend the globalist billionaire George Soros and touted his interest in getting involved in US elections?

That’s right, not US politics, but US elections.

The Democrats and their masters the globalist elites don’t want you to see this video. They have wiped it from the face of the earth for the most part.

Luckily it was saved by a patriot who understood that one day it would be very important and expose the globalist’s game plan.

Nobody should be surprised Hillary Clinton thinks cheating in elections is justified.

An audio recording from 2006 reveals Hillary Clinton told newspaper editor Eli Chomsky that the US should have fixed the outcome of a foreign election.

Damning stuff. But it gets even worse. Obama is up to his neck in this as well, and he is even more shameless than Hillary when it comes to justifying cheating.

The globalist elite have become arrogant in recent years but it is working against them. More and more people, including those with powerful voices, are waking up to the truth about their agenda.

Elon Musk has called for the banning of all electronic voting machines in America, warning that they are designed to allow rampant fraud to take place by bad faith actors.

Posting on the X platform, Musk responded to a post from RFK. Jr., who himself was weighing on the recent rampant fraud that took place during Puerto Rico’s primary elections.

Puerto Rico’s elections commission announced that it is reviewing its contract with Dominion Voting Systems after “hundreds of discrepancies” in vote totals were discovered following the island’s primary elections.

The problems in Puerto Rico called to mind the well-publicized incident in Antrim County of a Dominion Voting machine “mistakenly” counting thousands of extra votes for Biden instead of Trump.

Which raises the question: why is it always Trump votes that get flipped to Democrat?

Could it be, as Obama let slip, that Democrats control the voting machines? They also control the mainstream media, so most people never hear about the problem of voter fraud and hackable machines.

You know what they say about the devil? The greatest trick he ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.

Is convincing the nation that voter fraud does not exist the greatest trick ever pulled by the Democrats?

Obviously they forgot to tell the executives at Google who are on record boasting they have rigged 41 elections for the far-left in the last 16 years.

For the record, Google executives met with Obama behind closed doors at the White House as astonishing 427 time during his presidency.

But of course, they could not have been discussing anything to do with using Google’s icy grip on information flows to influence elections – because as Democrats say, voter fraud doesn’t exist.

And obviously the Democrats responsible for maintaining the roll of 320,000 “ghost voters” actively registered to vote in November’s election in must-win Michigan, Detroit could not possibly be engaging in voter fraud.

Ghost voters are shadows who linger on voter rolls after their real inhabitants have either died or moved interstate. Without voter ID, anybody can show up and vote as a ghost voter – once, twice, or 320,000 times.

Democrats couldn’t possibly be resorting to a trick used by corrupt Zimbabwean election officials in 2008, could they?

Don’t forget, this is the party whose lawyers openly admitted that if the DNC wants to ignore the votes in primary elections and pick their nominees in back rooms while smoking cigars, it is their legal right to do so.

Soros and his Democrat cronies appear determined to pick the next president in a back room while ignoring the votes of the people.

No wonder Biden said the Democrats have put together the most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.


(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from

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