The arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov is an attempt by the global elite to assert their dominance and chill free speech on social media.
Ed Dowd appeared on Bannon’s War Room yesterday, and pointed out the following:
Dangerous times. All comms need to be blocked before the grand finale to strike fear and anger into the global populations.
— Edward Dowd (@DowdEdward) August 25, 2024
It’s standard operating procedure in the military before big attacks. reports: Dowd was sharing this post:
If they win, there’s no going back.
Here is one opinion on what is really behind the arrest of Pavel Durov in France.
My personal opinion on the Pavel Durov situation is that this is a CIA (and their intelligence network) operation. France is part of the Nine Eyes network (an extension of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance). Telegram has been on their radar for a long time. Four months ago Pavel Durov gives his first interview in almost a decade to Tucker Carlson in which he reveals that U.S. intelligence agencies have been trying to recruit them, to get control of, and to compromise Telegram. When something like this is publicly revealed and to such a large worldwide audience, this usually doesn’t sit well with the intelligence agencies. He’s been safe while in Dubai and in other countries that are outside the Five Eyes/Nine Eyes/14 Eyes sphere of influence. Then Pavel decided to leave and the perfect chance appeared to snatch him. Now they will attempt to coerce Pavel in France to provide backdoor access to Telegram or face 20+ years in jail for made-up crimes that have nothing to do with him. Desperate times call for desperate measures; and when such things are being done in front of people, this is the sign of such changing times that we’re living in. #telegram #PavelDurov #Durov #DurovArrest #TuckerCarlson #CIA