Germany: Von Notz calls on Faeser to ban "Muslim Interaktiv".

After police reported that 1,100 people took part in a demonstration in Hamburg on Saturday organized by the group "Muslim Interaktiv," which the state's Office for the Protection of the Constitution has classified as extremist, the head of the parliamentary control committee, Konstantin von Notz (Greens), called for the group to be banned.

Berlin - "These people who demonstrated there are extremely dangerous," he told Der Spiegel. "The state must react very sharply to such blatant, repeated provocations." Numerous rights are associated with the privilege of association. "Anyone who repeatedly and knowingly abuses it for anti-democratic agitation must expect this privilege to be revoked or banned," von Notz said.

"Interior Minister Faeser must ban 'Muslim Interaktiv' and the 'Islamic Center of Hamburg' (IZH) as soon as possible." In terms of its divisive potential and hostility to democracy, aggressive Islamism is "not a bit better than the ideology of right-wing extremists.

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