Muslim prayer in the American public square

Muslim persecution of the Jews is not the end game. It always starts with the slander and defamation of Jews, but only ends when a Muslim majority is created in a targeted city. Obviously, that means that non-Muslims of other religions must be bullied and denigrated too. 

Thus, a Muslim majority is achieved by the Muslims making life so uncomfortable for persons of other faiths, including Christians and Hindus, that they leave the area. This Muslim majority then morphs into a world within a world where Sharia Law governs, police dare not enter, and the area is termed a “no go zone,” such as those found in Menlo, Sweden, and parts of Dearborn, Michigan. In other words, non-Muslims do not enter -- it isn’t safe.

In September 2011, after putting up with Muslim prayer services on busy Paris streets, France effectuated a ban on these crowded open-air services because the practice had snarled traffic and kept passersby and shoppers from the affected streets. The deleterious economic effects were immense. That ban, however, did not cover similar sidewalk takeovers then occurring in Marseille

Muslims used their prayer mats and bodies to intimidate passersby and hijack a good portion of the public square.

In London, England, the practice of Muslim street prayer, predominantly in the Soho area, has not been banned, but is currently being litigated.

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However, it is important to note that other aspects of public Muslim practices have been banned in many Western European countries.

France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Norway have banned the wearing of the burqa in public. Parts of Italy and all of Switzerland have banned the wearing of the hijab in public.

What appeared to be an unsettling foreign problem has jumped the Atlantic, invading America with a concomitant rise in anti-Semitism, personal attacks on American Jews and synagogues, and has resulted in a dangerous foothold in many American cities, with accompanying thuggish, disruptive behavior. Recent examples are the pro-Palestinian demonstration in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, and the two nights of vandalism at a prominent synagogue (where the author is a congregant) in the Main Line outside of Philadelphia.

It would be prudent for all Americans to remember that Muslims attacking Jews is just their first step. The real goal is Islamic global hegemony. One only has to inspect the myriad extant Muslim countries to confirm that not only are they devoid of Jews, not many Christians remain either.

A phenomenon known as Islamic controlled “no go” zones is steadily growing in Philadelphia. A stealth and increasingly overt Islamic takeover is occurring in Philadelphia and suburban area public school systems, libraries, and universities. The area was shocked when it popped out into the open with the University of Pennsylvania’s Palestinian Writes symposium which was an anti-Israel advertisement disguised as a literary symposium. This takeover includes pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel/anti-Semitic rhetoric. 

On Good Friday afternoon, March 28, 2024, a Christian Easter parade wove through the streets of Philadelphia. It was a celebration without any negative remarks against any other religion. It was televised and covered in print.

That same Friday evening, hundreds of Muslims held an open-air prayer service, weaving around city hall. They had prayer rugs and were following special prayers during Ramadan. But they weren’t only praying. They used the occasion to propagandize for Gaza and rant and slander and defame Israel, while Hamas has reached the sixth month in which 130 Israeli hostages are still being held in Gaza, in underground tunnels, enduring unspeakable terror, torture, and rape.

Is this what America is becoming? Is this what America wants? A public call to prayer five times a day where public streets are hijacked, non-Muslims are belittled? The schools and libraries teaching and practicing only Islam? More American cities becoming no-go zones?

One can only hope not.

Image: DoD

By Lynne Lechter

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