Leaked Docs Reveal WEF Is in Charge of Canada’s ‘Climate Change’ Policies

Newly leaked documents reveal that the World Economic Forum has secretly been in charge of Canada’s Net Zero “climate change” policies for several years now.

According to documents from the Environment and Climate Change (ECCC) department, Trudeau has been funnelling taxpayer money to the WEF to pay them for being an arm of Canada’s government.

Thecountersignal.com reports: Specifically, the documents reveal the ECCC gave money “to enable [the WEF] to produce and disseminate a report that will establish the business and economic case for safeguarding nature.” 

“This report will be directed at senior decision makers in governments and businesses who have the influence and ability to shift business-as-usual approach,” the ECCC stated. [Emphasis added]

In the report provided six months later, the WEF sourced papers favouring a carbon tax. It concluded its policy recommendations by stating, “What is required is bold policy ambition and decisive political leadership to signal that business-as-usual is no longer viable.” [Emphasis added]

Despite being published only in June 2020 – just months after the COVID virus emerged from Wuhan, China — the WEF also urged governments to “use their fiscal recovery programmes to reset the economy on more resilient, equitable, and sustainable terms.”

Just months later, in December 2020, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a significant hike in his government’s carbon tax scheme — one that would raise the tax on fuels to $170 a tonne by 2030.

The government’s statement “Propose[d] to strengthen Canada’s approach to reducing methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by establishing new targets and associated regulations for 2030 and 2035, based on international best practices.”

Liberal partnership with WEF

Last year, it was revealed the Trudeau Liberals have a $105.3 million contract to develop a Known Traveler Digital ID — and the WEF is a project partner.

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