British MP Reveals Elite Told Him ‘Vaccinated Will All Die of Turbo Cancer Soon’

The vaccinated will soon begin dying in their hundreds of millions according to British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen who revealed a Senior Cabinet Minister told him details of the plan to use turbo cancer to depopulate the world.

According to Bridgen, the incident took place in the tea room at Westminster Houses of Parliament, where the unnamed senior Minister told him that he would be “dead of cancer soon” because he was misled into taking the vaccine during the lockdown.

“You can speak out all you want,” the Minister told Bridgen. “It doesn’t matter. You are vaccinated. You will be dead of cancer soon.”

Andrew Bridgen has served as Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire since 2010. He has become a prominent voice in the fight against globalist authoritarianism in the UK, railing against Covid vaccine mandates, lockdowns and mask mandates.

Bridgen’s timely warning about skyrocketing cancers deaths as a result of mRNA vaccines comes as Pfizer employees begin blowing the whistle about the scam.

Turbo cancer is set to claim the lives of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people in the next few years, according to a Pfizer insider who warns that everybody vaccinated with mRNA is a walking, talking time bomb waiting to explode.

According to the insider, the Covid pandemic and the mRNA roll out was an operation with decades of planning, with the express purpose of injuring people, maiming, and killing vast numbers of people deliberately.

But it gets even worse. The mRNA roll out is only in its infancy. The sick and twisted ghouls responsible for the massive spike in turbo cancers are now set to reap massive financial benefits by forcing the entire world to get vaccinated against the problem they caused in the first place.

The globalist elite are using the pharmaceutical industry to carry out the greatest crime against humanity in history, and as usual they are determined to hide their wicked agenda in plain sight.

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