CDC Confirms Meat Allergy Touted by WEF As Climate Change Fix Is Exploding Across US

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a warning after recording a “steep increase in cases” of mysterious meat allergies spread by ticks.

The sudden increase in cases of Alpha-Gal Syndrome (AGS), which has already caused millions of Americans to become allergic to red meat and dairy, is proliferating across the United States just months after a World Economic Forum advisor admitted the global elite were looking at using AGS to cause meat allergies in humans to “fight climate change.”

AGS, an increasingly prevalent food allergy, renders individuals hypersensitive to red meat and various dairy products, posing a significant health risk to affected individuals.

Typically, AGS is contracted following a Lone Star tick bite, as outlined by the Mayo Clinic. During the bite, a sugar molecule known as alpha-gal is transferred into the victim’s body.

This introduction of alpha-gal prompts an immune system response, resulting in various degrees of allergic reactions to red meat, including beef, pork, and lamb.

Furthermore, AGS can also trigger adverse reactions to dairy products and gelatins, further complicating the dietary choices for those afflicted.

In severe instances, AGS-induced allergies have proven to be life-threatening, underscoring the gravity of the condition.

Regrettably, there is currently no known cure for AGS, and the allergies it provokes are irreversible. The sole recourse for affected individuals is to strictly abstain from the consumption of meat and dairy products.

The CDC’s alert serves as a stark reminder of the growing concern surrounding AGS and underscores the importance of public awareness and vigilance in managing this potentially life-altering condition.

A rare meat allergy from tick bites is rising and may have already impacted as many as 450,000 people,” the CDC warns.

The federal health agency confirms that the CDC has recorded a “steep increase in cases of alpha-gal syndrome (AGS).”

According to the CDC, the rapidly increasing cases of AGS are an “emerging public health concern.”

The lone star tick is thought to transmit several other diseases besides AGS, including Lyme disease.

It uses thick underbrush or high grass to attach to its victim and can be found in wooded areas as well as areas between grassy and forested ecosystems.

However, the ticks have been found in new areas outside of their normal range.

According to the CDC:

“The number of suspected AGS cases in the United States has increased substantially since 2010, and states with established populations of lone star ticks are most affected, although suspected AGS cases were also identified in areas outside of this tick’s range.”

Because some of these ticks prey on deer, they can be transferred across state lines to new environments as herds migrate.

Unlike allergies to other foods, which are usually immediate, AGS reactions can occur 3 to 6 hours after eating red meat.

The allergic reactions can often be severe life-threatening anaphylaxis responses.

AGS symptoms can range from mild to severe and include a rash, hives, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, stomach pain, and heartburn.

According to Dr. Johanna Salzer:

“The burden of alpha-gal syndrome in the United States could be substantial given the large percentage of cases suspected to be going undiagnosed due to non-specific and inconsistent symptoms.”

Currently, there is a lack of clinical awareness among doctors.

However, if AGS is suspected there is a blood test that looks for specific antibodies to alpha-gal.

A CDC survey found that 42% of 1,500 US healthcare professionals had never heard of AGS.

35% also said they were “not too confident” in their ability to diagnose it.

Just 5% said they were “very confident.”

Between 2010 and 2022, about 110,000 cases of AGS have been officially diagnosed, but the true number of AGS cases may be as high as 450,000.

Those with suspected AGS are mainly in Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, and Suffolk County, on New York’s Long Island, but there are also focal clusters of cases in areas where there are no known established populations of lone star ticks, such as Minnesota and Wisconsin.

The geographic distribution of AGS is very similar to that of ehrlichiosis, a bacterial infection known to be transmitted by the lone star tick.

AGS has now been reported on all continents except Antarctica, and at least eight tick species are confirmed or suspected culprits.

The news comes amid increasing calls for humans to stop eating meat and dairy products to “save the planet” from the alleged “climate crisis.”

As The People’s Voice recently reported, Dr. Matthew Liao, a bioethicist linked to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) green agenda, has openly discussed how AGS could be used to “fight climate change.”

At the 2016 World Science Festival, Liao explained a plan for the genetic engineering of humans to “address climate change.”

He openly advocated for artificially inducing a red meat allergy in the entire human population. Watch:

Liao suggested using an analog of the alpha-gal molecule found in the lone star tick to make the human race fatally allergic to meat and dairy products.

He argued that his plan would force the public to fight “climate change” because “people are not willing to give up meat.”

“People eat too much meat,” he told attendees at the event during a panel discussion on addressing climate change.

“And if they were to cut down on their consumption of meat, then it would actually really help the planet.

“But people are not willing to give up meat,” he acknowledged.

“Some people will be willing to, but other people – they may be willing to but they have a weakness of will.”

He postulated that human engineering could be used to make people intolerant to certain kinds of meat, or to certain kinds of bovine proteins:

“There’s this thing called the Lone Star tick where if it bites you, you will become allergic to meat…

“So that’s something we can do through human engineering.

“We can possibly address really big world problems through human engineering.”

Liao’s work has become a cornerstone of the WEF’s agenda and is frequently cited by the unelected globalist organization’s members during discussions regarding the green agenda, Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset, and population control.

Meanwhile, we know that genetically engineered mosquitoes have already been released in Florida and Texas. There are also plans to release more in California.

The mosquitoes are being released even against the wishes of many residents and environmental groups.

There’s no informed consent for populations being exposed to this massive experiment.

Some researchers have referred to these mosquitoes as “small flying syringes” as they are being released to spread vaccines without consent.

Billionaire globalist Bill Gates and his Foundation are heavily invested in the GM mosquito project.

The Gates Foundation has invested over $30 million in Oxitec, the biotech company releasing the “flying syringes.”

The move has led to increasing concerns about the spread of viruses.

Locally acquired malaria has been non-existent in the US for the last 20 years. However, five such cases have recently been diagnosed since the mosquito project was launched – four in Florida and one in Texas.

Rather conveniently, Gates is also heavily invested in the newly emerging lab-grown “meat” industry.

Gates insists that his fake meat products help to fight climate change and meet the globalist Net Zero goals.

But as The People’s Voice previously reported, a study found that lab-grown “meat” is 25 times more harmful to the environment than real beef from cattle.

(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from

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