Australia Begins Debanking Citizens Who Post Non-Mainstream Opinions Online

The WEF-infiltrated nation of Australia has begun debanking customers who post or share ‘non-mainstream content’ on social media.

Effective Nov. 1, 2023, the National Australia Bank (NAB) will become the first bank in the country to debank citizens who post non-approved speech on the Internet.

If an NAB customer says something that goes against the mainstream narrative, the bank will take away his or her bank account as punishment.

According to a disturbing report by The Counter Signal, the NAB updated its terms and conditions in such a way as to turn its relationship with customers into something “that resembles that of a schoolteacher or grade school student.” reports: Any NAB customer caught “making profane, derogatory, discriminatory or harassing comments to any person,” or who inflicts “psychological harm” on someone else, will face the ire of one of Australia’s largest banks, which is also one of the “big four” alongside the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, Commonwealth Bank of Australia (which was owned by the Australian government until 1996), and the Westpac Banking Corporation.

“The entire Commonwealth is compromised,” tweeted the X (formerly known as Twitter) account of Lion Advocacy’s Daniel Ari Freiheit, MBA, LLB.

“Look into dual citizenship & consider moving your savings to countries that respect property & speech.”

Don’t be “mean” or we’ll stop you from buying and selling and accessing your own money

In its terms and conditions update, the NAB spelled out what will happen to any customer who is caught uttering threatening or abusive language, as defined by the bank.

“We may reasonably exercise one or more of our rights in these terms and conditions to suspend, cancel or deny an account holder’s access or use of the account, card or an electronic banking service if we reasonably consider it appropriate to protect a customer or another person from financial abuse,” the update states.

The changes could spark a boycott, which is exactly what happened to Scotiabank after it informed military veteran Jeremy MacKenzie that his account was being closed because he was deemed to have exceeded the bank’s “risk appetite.”

“What part of it is too risky for the bank – is that my military pension?” MacKenzie asked the Scotiabank representative who informed him that his account was being shuttered.

“I’m afraid I don’t have any more detail,” the representative responded. “I’m just the messenger.”

That sure sounds a whole lot like World War II era just following orders, does it not?

Not only is MacKenzie no longer to bank with Scotiabank, but he is also barred from ever again visiting a branch of the bank without permission.

It turns out that MacKenzie publicly criticized the regime of Justin Trudeau, including the corrupt RCMP which persecuted him and others for participating in the Freedom Convoy of Ottawa.

“First they came for the Mercolas and I took NO action. Then they …,” one commenter wrote on a story about what happened to Dr. Mercola at the hands of JPMorgan.

“If you speak the truth, you will be punished,” wrote another. “That is the message the lying left-wing scum are putting out there. Oppose us, reveal our lies and you will be ruthlessly punished. So, how do you like those Democrats now?”

It is one thing for Australia and Canada to be engaging in this kind of debanking “censorship,” seeing as how neither of those two countries have a constitution like that of the U.S. But there is no excuse for JPMorgan Chase being allowed to persecute an American citizen while operating on U.S. soil.

“Suffice it to say Americans are no longer living in the country that was founded by our ‘Founding Fathers,'” another commenter wrote. “The Constitution & the Bill of Rights no longer have any more meaning – it is now just an antiquated notion.”

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