US Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing The ‘Covid’ Jabs

Millions of Americans were advised by their doctors to get “vaccinated” against the dreaded coronavirus.

It turns out that the doctors advice was given not because they actually cared about their patients, but rather because they were bribed by health insurance companies to peddle as many jabs as possible in exchange for cash.

Expose News reports: A leaked document from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) Medicaid shows how the health provider created a “COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive program” to reward doctors for pushing covid jabs on their patients (source). Does this against their Hippocratic Oath?

“Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is one of the best and safest ways people can protect themselves and their families against the virus,” Anthem Medicaid claims in the document’s opener.

“As a participating practice in the COVID-19 Provider Vaccine Incentive program, we recognize your hard work by offering incentives for helping patients make the choice to become vaccinated.”

Bad things happen when dispensing experimental drugs is incentivized.

In order to qualify for cash bribes from Anthem Medicaid, a physician must, in this particular case, be part of a participating Kentucky primary care provider that is allied with Anthem BCBS Medicaid and have a panel size of 25 or more members.

“All Anthem members identified as receiving COVID-19 vaccination services are included in the methodology,” the document states. “Vaccine results will be determined by a COVID-19 vaccine claim or by confirmation from the Kentucky Vaccine Registry.”

Anthem calculated the payments to be disbursed in two separate time periods: the first one on Sept. 1, 2021, and the second on Dec. 31, 2021. The greater the percentage of Anthem members vaccinated for covid, the higher the payments, according to the plan.

For each Anthem member vaccinated up to 30 percent of the member pool, a physician qualified to receive a $20 “bonus” payment. If a doctor can get more than 30 percent of Anthem members jabbed, he or she received $45 for each up to 40 percent; $70 for each up to 50 percent; $100 for each up to 60 percent; and $125 for each at 75 percent and beyond.

The structure for the second and final bribe payment was similar except the payment tiers are much higher. If 30 percent of Anthem members got jabbed, a qualifying doctor received $100 per newly jabbed member. 

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