Russia Release Damning 2,000 Page Report Proving Covid Was a Globalist Bioweapon

The Covid-19 virus was created as a bioweapon against humanity, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin who has painstakingly compiled a 2,000 page report forensically detailing the crimes of the US Deep State and globalist elites.

According to Putin, Big Pharma and US Deep State actors are guilty of “manufacturing” the Covid-19 pandemic to take over the world, and the 2,000 page report lists Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and George Soros as co-conspirators in the plot against humanity.

Putin has been prepared to bide his time while collecting the evidence, but according to Russian sources, the president understands the time has come to blow the lid off the globalist charade and educate the masses about the agenda of the elite.

Finally the truth is starting to emerge. Brave men and women all over the world are refusing to submit to the diktats of the globalist elite.

And as the people of the world continue to wake up to the crimes of the elite, the time has come for justice to be served.

“Russia wants justice for the creation and release of SARS-CoV-2, while the West covered up the origins and censored scientists and journalists,” the Russian Embassy in the United States said on Thursday.

According to Putin, the global elite left their fingerprints all over the crime scene.

Russia has now laid out the evidence in black and white and submitted to the UN over 2,000 pages worth of reports proving that the globalist elite and US Deep State, in cahoots with Big Pharma, are responsible for manufacturing the pandemic.

Russia’s highest ranking biological military official just went on TV and accused the US and Big Pharma of releasing biological weapons to rule the world.

Of course, mainstream media in the West is doing everything it can to suppress the report and the news that it even exists.

Remember when the mainstream media were telling us that Fauci’s biolabs in Ukraine were just a vast far-right conspiracy theory? They lost control of that narrative thanks to people like yourself, who refused to believe their lies, and demanded to see the evidence.

Biden’s Pentagon was finally forced to admit they have operated 46 biolabs in Ukraine under Fauci’s control since the early 2000s. Talk about a major humiliation for the mainstream media and their fact-checkers.

So what was the Pentagon’s excuse for operating these secret biolabs? Well, apparently they are involved in a US project to rid the world of “weapons of mass destruction“.

Remember the last time the Deep State trotted out the “weapons of mass destruction” lie?

That shameless lie led directly to the Iraq War and the humanitarian and economic disaster that followed it – just the way the neocons wanted it to play out.

Now, according to Russian officials, the bio-research activities launched by the US Defense Department in Ukraine require an appropriate legal assessment, including from relevant international bodies.

“Of particular concern is the activity deployed by the Pentagon in Ukraine. The United States has involved dozens of state institutions and private companies of the country in its projects,” the embassy stated.

“Civilians and military personnel of the republic became donors of biomaterial and simply experimental subjects. There is no doubt that such actions require an appropriate legal assessment, including from relevant international structures,” the statement continued.

The international community continues to raise serious questions about the uncontrolled dual-use research under the auspices of the US Defense Department and Russia has repeatedly pointed to “gross violations” by the United States of its obligations under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.

According to Russia, “there is no question about any good goals of the projects of the US Defense Department. Evidence of US work with potential agents of biological weapons is available and they are far from isolated as well as evidence of attempts to deliberately enhance the properties of pathogens of economically significant infections.”

This is very interesting because it corroborates what the renowned truth-teller Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Tucker Carlson on his Twitter show last week.

Tucker asked Biden’s primary challenger about the shadowy biolabs in Ukraine and RFK Jr’s jaw-dropping answer should be required viewing for everyone who is still living in the dark about the agenda of the elites.

Did you catch that? Under treaties signed by US Congress, Fauci’s crimes in developing bioweapons are punishable by hanging. And as the report released by Russia details, Fauci isn’t the only Deep State goon caught up in this crime. There is forensic evidence proving Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and George Soros are guilty of the conspiracy against humanity as well.

No wonder the Democrats are employing every trick in the book – and inventing new ones – to avoid losing the 2024 election to Trump.

Depopulation and eugenics are taboo subjects that provoke horror and disgust in ordinary people with normal values and morals.

A glance at history shows that humanity has routinely rejected depopulation programs like the Third Reich’s Nazi eugenics campaign.

We understand on a basic human level that no government or unelected globalist organization should have the god-like power of creation and destruction over the human race.

But what if I told you the eugenics movement did not actually die, but simply went underground, where it has remained hugely influential in elite circles, including Fauci, Bill Gates, and Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum?

The WEF claims to be committed to improving the state of the world.

But there should be an asterisk after that statement. They are committed to improving the state of the world for the lucky few who remain after the great depopulation eradicates 94% of the people the elite consider “useless eaters” from the face of the earth.

As the co-founder of the American Eugenics Society Frederick Osborn put it in 1968, “Eugenic goals are most likely to be attained under a name other than eugenics.”

More than 60 years after Osborn uttered this statement, the eugenicists have finally achieved their goals. The Covid pandemic and experimental vaccine is simply eugenics under another name.

And for years, US taxpayers were paying Dr. Anthony Fauci, the world’s most influential “death scientist” since Josef Megele, more money than any other government employee. This tells you all you need to know about the real priorities of Obama and Biden regimes.

Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue exposing the crimes of the elite. As RFK Jr hinted, one day these criminals will be held to account – and the punishment will fit the crime. But we need your help to continue redpilling the masses.

I hope to see you there.


(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from

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