THE GREAT RESET Reimagined …. via Trade

INSURANCE rates are going thru the roof!   Property insurance is up 30% to 40% and car insurance is up 40% to 50%!   These increases are meant to ‘drive’ you out of ownership.   The explanation? Crime, and inflation.   While the La Nina explanation of the current climate is also ‘considered’ a factor, I am reminded of the Lew Rockwell article discussing the Geoengineering factor of ‘no-return’.   Once again the Problem is more likely – DEBT.

In preparation for a NATO incursion, Biden quietly executed a new Executive Order this July that calls up The Selected Reserve and members of The Individual Ready Reserve to ACTIVE DUTY.   By calling them to active duty, Biden has declared there is a ‘State of Emergency’.   Whether they are deployed to Europe or within states across the US – the message is clear – the White House, CIA, FBI, NSA are facing extreme fragility and require a distraction.

It is said that FDR’s reluctant decision to have the US enter WWII was to detract from his waning approval. FDR succeeded in turning the US into a completely socialist country, including giving himself ‘extraordinary emergency government powers’.   Biden is a re-enactment.   Taking us from Socialism to Marxist Communism.

“…They did not recognize that prices had fallen because of the Depression. They believed that the Depression prevailed because prices had fallen. The obvious remedy, then, was to raise prices, which they decided to do by creating artificial shortages. Hence arose a collection of crackpot policies designed to cure the Depression by cutting back on production.” ~Robert Higgs, Independent Institute.

By removing the gold standard, FDR created unstoppable inflation.   Today it is unknown how much if any gold reserves the US actually retains.   By 2016, Canada had depleted all their reserves of gold to $-0- with this explanation:
“The government has a long-standing policy of diversifying its portfolio by selling physical commodities (such as gold) and instead investing in financial assets that are easily tradable and that have deep markets of buyers and sellers.” 

According to CEIC Data, US gold reserves fluctuated dramatically until the 1950’s when reserve inventory began to plummet. By 1975, reserves were halved and have remained untouched since.   I am skeptical.

In 1974, auditors of the US government stated they would audit the reserves over a ten year period held in Fort Knox, Denver, and West Point.   Once the gold was verified and numbered, it would be placed in a vault until all the gold had been counted, recorded and numbered – and the vault was sealed.  At the end of this ten year period the US government auditors declared that 97% of the gold had been verified.   Thereafter, there would be no reason to break the seals.

Enter skeptic, Jan Nieuwenhuijs in 2014.   He found that subsequent to the end of the audit in 1984, seals were constantly broken. In 2016, Inspector General of the Treasury, Richard Delmar, justified that the bars had to be moved, so subsequent audits required the breaking of the seals.   But the recounts in Denver were conducted by ‘staff’ – not auditors. Meaning there is NO verification of our gold reserves.

WHY would the US government want to deplete gold reserves?

To pay for illicit activities.   Bribes, mercenaries, theft, laundering, trafficking, there are a dozen reasons why.   And like oil, the government controls the pricing of gold.   If it was revealed that our vaults were nearly depleted, the initial shock could destroy markets and create a mass buying spree sending gold into 5 digit if not 6 digit territory depending on the numbers released.   It would open up the corruption probe of to whom, how much, and transparency.   And the value of the dollar would become absolutely worthless rippling thru the global economy with ferocity like a Bison protecting its young.

The largest gold mines are in China, Africa and Australia.   The argument of value has been constrained because of the inventory.   The illusion of supply & demand. Certainly, paper money and copper coins have zero worth.   Paper is a promissory note backed by a promise with no collateral behind it – just debt.   A government can print its currency indefinitely, but the more it prints the less scarce the currency becomes, resulting in inflation and a devalued dollar.

Since the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 the dollar parity value dropped 50% in a decade. The dollar began to recover from 1923 to 1933, rising back to 70cents.   However, once FDR suspended gold convertibility and made owning gold illegal, the dollar tanked. In 1971 Nixon put the nail in the proverbial coffin and today its parity value is less than 4 cents.

Switching from paper to Bitcoin or CBDC’s is really a non-move.   But Russia and China have  reverted back to a gold-backed trade standard decreasing yuan and ruble volatility.   The value of a commodity is supposed to rely on ‘supply & demand’. But even those most stoic economic fallbacks are completely falsified.

Supply is manipulated.   Demand is propagandized.   And the US Capitalist system is in reality Socialist as created by FDR.   Today, that partial disjointed system is leaning heavily toward Marxist/Communist.   Why?   To hide the criminal activities our system has hijacked.  Once communism is installed, all history will be wiped. And the next generation having been taught no real history won’t even notice.   Reality has thus been usurped.

Realizing that a system of debt – is not manageable, The Great RESET was created to obscure the Truth and wash it all away. Unfortunately, that same debt system is what created fake value.   Hollywood studios and Sports Authorities thrive on debt – When a Hollywood film is being made, the producer secures contract guarantees. These guarantees are the collateral for a bank loan.  DEBT.

The first private company to enter the mortgage field was JP Morgan in 1871.   During the Depression mortgages ground to a halt. In 1933, FDR decided the means to lift home ownership was to create a government sponsored program; The Home Owners Loan Corp. a Mortgage company.  We’ve had rampant inflation ever since.

The housing market has thrived on debt – creating bubbles that inflate and burst.   And Reset levels. US Student Loans – standing over $3 trillion – in debt.   Mortgages – outstanding = $19 Trillion.   Personal Loans average $38,000 per person.   The statistic does not differentiate by age – if we calculate based on entire 335 million population – that would amount to another $13 trillion.

Assuming that the US gold reserves amount to what they pinky swear declare – our gold is valued at roughly $480 billion – against debt of $36 trillion.   Land has value – but that value is manipulated by government owned land.   It is like a subsidy.  IF the government was relinquished of ALL it’s land the value would tank because of the supply.

Within THIS Reality – yes, the globe needs a RESET.   Just not the kind envisioned by the Marxist/Communists in control via the World Economic Forum.   The True RESET would be to scrap everyone of everything and start at a net zero playing board – including Larry Fink and Elon Musk.     YOU DON’T OWN ANYTHING.

Poverty would have apply to everyone. I doubt those within the uber echelon would be willing to live such a lifestyle – which is why – The Great RESET as defined by the World Economic Forum will never happen.   It is a pipe dream.   A Fantasy.

In fact, The Great RESET is a global distraction to cover the reality that they have no idea what to do to cover Their Failures, Corruption, and Greed and failed climate change geoengineering.   Passing the baton to their son’s and daughter’s is simply a way of prolonging the inevitable and passing the global massacre to the next generation.

Soros doesn’t give a whit about his offspring!   Neither does Gates, or Bezos, or Zuckerberg – or Bloomberg, or Obama, or Kissinger or ANY of the elite.   Their entire focus is preserving their monetary orgasm.

How could a RESET look?

When money is worthless, trade becomes the only means of securing vital essentials. The Minoans lived sometime around 3500 BC to 1300 BC.   They did not war.   They lived in peace and prospered for 2000 years. They didn’t just ‘thrive’ they accumulated great wealth among ALL their people. Their means? Trade.

Ultimately, the Minoans were wiped out by the barbarian Macedonians who thrived on war and conquest.   And society – was RESET to the Dark Ages.

The ‘Macedonians’ are the ones ruling us today in a complex tangle of industrialized war and debt.   They were the barbarians then and the barbarians today. They are not a civilization they are a destruction manifesto. And they appear over and over again in history – each time their goal being chaos and disorder.

The US was supposed to be a reincarnation of the Minoans.   But the Macedonians infiltrated. 

(Article by Helena republished from

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