Orwellian France: Parliament Approves Legislation Opening Door to Mass Surveillance, Making It Easier for Authorities to Spy on Electronic Devices

In a Orwellian turn of events, France is introducing legislation poised to usher in an era of mass surveillance of its population.

The administration of former Rothschild banker and globalist poster boy Emmanuel Macron seems the testing ground for so many nefarious ideas in the Western societies.

After he managed to ‘reform’ the pensions changing the retirement age without a vote in Parliament, and withstanding weeks of hard protests, it seemed like it was just a matter of time until even more dystopian policies were introduced. Well, there you go.

Associated Press reported:

“French lawmakers on Tuesday adopted a sweeping justice reform bill that includes a provision to allow law enforcement agents to remotely tap into the cameras, microphones and location services of phones and other internet-connected devices of some suspected criminals.

The measure plainly stipulates that the procedure can be executed ‘without the knowledge or consent of its owner or possessor’ but is limited to suspects involved in terrorism, organized crime and other illegal activities punishable by five or more years in prison.”

The authorization for  eavesdropping was included in a reform bill to modernize penal procedures, and bring ‘a faster, clearer, modern justice’.

The National Assembly adopted two ambitious bills Tuesday that were previously embraced by the Senate in May.

The new legislation boosts spending on the judicial system by nearly 11 billion Euros by 2027, in a move that digital rights activists criticized as an invasion of privacy.

“The justice minister [Dupond-Moretti] proposed the high-tech hunt for suspects as an alternative to long-standing police surveillance practices, such as wiretapping a suspect’s vehicle and house, which he deemed no longer viable and increasingly dangerous for investigators.”

‘Why would we deprive ourselves of new technologies?’, asked Dupond-Moretti.

“Besides limiting use of high-tech spying on suspects to crimes punishable by at least five years in prison, the legislation contains other controls. The goal of tapping a connected device must be locating someone in real time, and the investigating judge in a case must give the green light. In addition to activating location services, the measure would also allow investigators to activate a suspect’s phone camera and microphone.”

This new legislation comes after French lawmakers passed a law in April ‘to allow the use of artificial intelligence and drones in mass video surveillance’ during the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.

The Macron government is seen as capitalizing on real and reasonable safety concerns to pursue draconian measures, approaching security by surveilling everybody.

RT reported:

“French MPs in the lower house approved the highly controversial law, dubbed by critics as the French Patriot Act, with a simple show of hands. The bill that was first introduced in April, three months after the spree of terrorist attacks across France, received approval from the legislators in France’s upper house earlier this month.

With their new legal powers French intelligence services may circumvent the need for judicial warrants to use wiretapping and other surveillance methods to gather intelligence from the public.

Private residences could now be monitored using geolocation measures, while mobile communications can be intercepted and web-page visits can be monitored using a complex algorithm that internet providers will be forced to install. Installation of keyloggers to track computer usage in real time will now also be possible.”

Macron is creating a surveillance society ‘where nothing is secret except the surveillance itself’. George Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’ would be proud.

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