Nursing program head at BCIT speaks out against China’s forced ORGAN HARVESTING

The head of a nursing program in British Columbia, Canada, has condemned the forced organ harvesting in China. According to reports, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is targeting healthy young people and political prisoners for organ harvesting.

Tony Chacon, head of the?Nephrology Nursing Specialty Program at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), first caught wind of the issue when some BCIT patients received an organ transplant soon after traveling to China. The approvals were suspicious because there is often a much longer wait time for organ transplants in Western countries.

At the 2023 Congress of the International Nurses Council (INC) in Montreal, Chacon explained that patients of the BCIT transplant program who travel abroad for organ transplants are cared for upon their return.

These recipients are then followed by the transplant program, but Chacon and his colleagues sometimes learn through the recipients themselves or their families that they have paid for a transplant in China.

Chacon acknowledged that China's known practice of forced organ harvesting for transplants is a difficult topic to broach, but he believes that it’s important to raise awareness about the issue. He added that talking about such serious issues is a moral obligation.

Chacon said he has friends that were formally citizens of the People’s Republic of China who told him that they were scared to discuss the topic because they’re afraid of persecution.

China's organ harvesting practice traced back to 1984

In a 2022 summit conducted by?Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH), experts traced Chinese organ harvesting as far back as 1984, which was when the CCP passed a law allowing the practice. The CCP immediately started harvesting organs from political prisoners after that.

DAFOH is an international group of doctors and medical professionals who are trying to put an end to China’s gruesome and inhumane practice of forced organ harvesting.

The practice was first made known to the U.S. Congress in 2001 in a testimony by Dr. Wang Guoqi, who served at the General Hospital of Armed Police of Tianjin, China.

A 2006 report called "Bloody Harvest" confirmed that Buddhist Falun Gong supporters were the primary targets of the government-run organ harvesting program. The report was published by the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (ETAC).

At the INC Congress, Deborah Collins-Perrica, director of nursing affairs for Nurses Against Forced Organ Harvesting, which is part of DAFOH, said the group wants the 30 million nurses across the globe to know that they are "advocating for medical ethics and nursing ethics and human rights."

Collins-Perrica added that while organ harvesting from living people is also a problem in other parts of the world, the People’s Republic of China is the only place where the horrible practice is state-sanctioned and under military control.

The primary victims of forced organ harvesting include "prisoners of conscience of different religions, ethnicities and cultural beliefs in China," explained Collins-Perrica.

In 2022, Chris Smith, the Republican U.S. Congressman of New Jersey and co-chair of the Congressional Executive Commission on China, led a shocking hearing that exposed the latest evidence of the CCP’s forced organ harvesting of prisoners while they were still alive.

At the hearing, one Chinese?doctor?testified how, under police orders, he performed surgery on a victim of a failed execution. As he was cutting mid-operation, he was horrified to discover that the victim was in a state of shock. The "donor" wasn't dead, and the doctor was performing a vivisection on a living person.

In March, the U.S. House of Representatives passed?HR 1154 in an overwhelming vote of?413-2.

HR 1154, authored by? Smith, aims to enforce measures opposing the CCP’s cruel practice of harvesting organs from young people while they were still alive and killing them during surgery.

The bill has been received and read in the Senate and has been referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

Smith also talked about the testimony of Ethan Gutmann, a senior research fellow at China Studies Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. A 2016 Kilgour-Matas-Gutmann report estimated China’s total transplant volume to be 60,000 to 100,000 per year.

Gutmann said that "at any given time since 2017," there were an estimated one million Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Hui in the camps. Based on his estimates, at least 25,000 to 50,000 camp detainees have their organs harvested every year.

Gutman said that 28- year-olds from the Xinjiang camps can be harvested for at least two or three organs, totaling at least a minimum of 50,000 organs or a maximum of 150,000 organs.

Research shows "donors" were alive during surgery

Dr. Jacob Lavee and?Matthew Robertson?published their findings from Chinese medical articles in a?respected peer-reviewed medical journal.

The data supports Gutmann's testimony.

Lavee and Robertson reported that out of all the articles they reviewed, 71 papers gave detailed descriptions of surgeons "appearing to violate the dead donor rule while procuring hearts from prisoners."

The papers also revealed that the "donors," who were prisoners in China, were alive at the time of surgery. The "donors" were killed by the transplant surgeons during the process of heart extraction.

The Independent Tribunal into Forced Organ Harvesting from Prisoners of Conscience in China, also known as the?China Tribunal, is chaired by Sir Geoffrey Nice, the world’s first independent legal investigator and analyst into organ harvesting.

The Tribunal’s unanimous judgment, which was published in 2020, concluded that, beyond any reasonable doubt, forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China has been practiced for a long time on many unfortunate victims.

The 2020 report stated that there is evidence of medical testing on a scale that could allow China to use the Uyghurs as an "organ bank."

The China Tribunal published its?full judgment?on the CCP’s organ harvesting from living victims with a?summary judgment?and a documentary.

Visit for more stories about the communist nation.

Watch the video below to learn more about China's forced organ harvesting.

(Article by Zoey Sky republished from

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