It has long been claimed Hollywood stars and entertainment industry celebrities need to join the Illuminati to make it to the top of the industry, but few people outside of the Illuminati inner-circle truly understand what this means.
That is slowly beginning to change as celebrities who have been subjected to the Illuminati system break down and leak inside information exposing the true inner workings of Hollywood and the entertainment industry.
Hollywood actor Ricky Schroder is the latest celebrity to break down and blow the whistle on pedophilia and occult rituals in the entertainment industry, revealing sickening details about the disturbing occult rituals he witnessed as a child star in the industry.
Ricky Schroder has had a stellar career including major roles in huge blockbusters and popular TV series, but many people forget he made his Hollywood debut at the tender age of 9 in The Champ, becoming the youngest Golden Globe winner for his role as Jon Voight’s son, and forging a career as a child star in Silver Spoons.
This is the period when Schroder was introduced to the dark occult rituals at the heart of the Hollywood system which he says are similar to those Jimmy Savile got away with at the BBC with the help of elite pedophiles including the British royal family.
According to Schroder, the entire control matrix, whether it is in politics, entertainment or finance, works on a blackmail system, which is why we never see any accountability. Even those doing the investigating are blackmailed.
Ricky Schroder isn’t the only star in recent times to provide us with a glimpse behind the curtain.
Britney Spears recently detailed the “Satanic” abuse she suffered at the hands of her Illuminati handlers during her 13-year conservatorship, including sickening sexual rituals, weekly blood transfusions, and MK Ultra medical experiments.
And last year Kanye West broke down and leaked secrets including the fact his own mother was “sacrificed” as part of an Illuminati blood ritual by the Hollywood elite before naming other celebrities who have been victims of the entertainment industry for reneging on their deal with the devil.
According to Angelina Jolie, she got her break in Hollywood after participating in “secret illuminati rituals.”
In a stunning video, 23-year-old Angelina Jolie reveals the true inner workings of Hollywood as she describes to friends the experiences she had with the Illuminati secret society. She explains that she killed a snake as a sacrifice and was tattooed, or branded, as part of the initiation ritual.
The video has been posted online, with the identity of her two friends redacted for their safety.
Nothing has changed since Angelina Jolie and Ricky Schroder were young and attempting to break into the entertainment industry. Megan Fox recently let slip that she participates in gruesome Illuminati blood rituals.
Speaking to Glamour UK about her relationship with Illuminati puppet Machine Gun Kelly, Fox said:
“It’s just a few drops, but yes we do consume each other’s blood on occasion for ritual purposes only.”
“It is used for a reason and it is controlled.“
Reporting on these Satanic practices involving symbols, rituals and sacrifices is ridiculed by the mainstream media.
If you read the Washington Post, watch CNN, or listen to fact checkers, the occult practices of elite pedophiles is not a problem, and those who talk about it are tinfoil hat wearing kooks perpetuating ‘fake news.’
But the evidence is insurmountable and continues growing all the time.
In an interview with the Sunday Times, Hollywood actor Elijah Wood dropped a bombshell, noting how child actors were regularly “preyed upon” by industry figures.
“Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood,” said Wood. “It was all organized.”
What Wood is talking about is the rampant sexual abuse of childhood actors, which has been previously exposed by Corey Feldman as well as Corey Haim.
Wood is referring to the immense power of Hollywood elites to control the narrative and quash any allegations of abuse before they even happen.
This narrative is so controlled that after Wood made these comments, the very next day the mainstream media attacked him and forced him to downplay them.
Fast forward one year and another Hollywood insider had a similar story — with a Satanic twist.
Meet Jon Robberson. He is a 16 year veteran of Hollywood feature film, television, and commercial production. He worked behind the scenes at all of the major studios and networks, having worked on projects for such notables as Spielberg, Bruckheimer, Silver and Abrams, to name a few.
He also left that scene because he says it is rife with pedophilia.
Even though the media won’t report on it, these disgusting child predators are so vile they are hard to ignore.
Take, for instance, the infamous NBC news report that Hillary Clinton, while she was Obama’s secretary of state, shut down an investigation into an elite pedophile ring in the State Department. According to the report presented by Chuck Todd, Clinton shut down the investigation in order to avoid scandal and protect the careers of high ranking officials.
The NBC News report is disturbing enough, but what happened after NBC broadcast news of the Clinton “cover up” is perhaps even more disturbing.
The network deleted the footage and social media networks blacklisted the video from their platforms. Chuck Todd, who presented the report, has refused thousands of requests for comment. Nobody at NBC or the mainstream media wants to acknowledge the report even went to air.
There was also another massive scandal in what became known as the Franklin child sex ring coverup. Once the FBI took over the investigation from state authorities, however, it turned into a witch hunt to persecute the child victims – going so far as to charge them with perjury in a successful attempt to scare the other 70 victims to recant their testimony regarding the child sex ring.
(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from