WEF Puppet Macron Planning to Follow Canada’s Lead and Allow Gov’t To Euthanize Citizens

WEF Puppet Macron Planning to Follow Canada’s Lead and Allow Gov’t To Euthanize Citizens

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced France will follow the example of Canada and establish a law to encourage useless members of society to be euthanized by the state.

Macon, who is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, announced that his administration will work to implement a WEF-approved law on an “End of Life Model”.

This is seen by his critics as a dangerous first step towards legalizing euthanasia in the country, and proof that he is now working hand-in-glove with Klaus Schwab to roll out WEF depopulation policies in France.

According to Reuters:

‘President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday France must improve the availability of palliative care and there would be a draft bill by the end of the summer on whether some form of assisted dying should be allowed.

He said the bill would build on the work of a group of 184 randomly appointed French citizens who have debated the issue since December. They concluded their work this weekend with 76% of them saying they favored allowing some form of assistance to die, for those who want it.

Macron did not say whether he wanted euthanasia or assisted suicide to be allowed in France or if the bill would include either or both. He said thinking on the matter would continue by then but consensus was important on such a sensitive matter.’

The National Council of Doctors of France has put out a statement that it opposes the state socialized health care system helping people kill themselves.

In France, neither euthanasia nor assisted suicide practices are legal, and many nationals, like film director Jean-Luc Godard, have traveled to Switzerland to end their lives.

However, Macron ruled out assisted death being extended to children, unlike in Canada where it is currently be discussed, and pledged more funds for palliative care so that all French who need it can receive it.

While some people see in this move an attempt to change the political narrative from the massive protests featuring millions of people united against his ‘Pension Reform’ – that was enacted without a vote in parliament – others see a much darker connection, in the sense that Macron is now shamelessly following the orders of Klaus Schwab’s WEF without any attempt to hide it. 

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