Trudeau Vows To Appoint ‘Internet Censors’ To Patrol For ‘Destabilizing Speech’

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is “committed” to appointing internet “censors” with “strong enforcement mechanisms” that will patrol the internet for so-called “destabilizing” speech, according to a letter his office sent to Canadian MPs last week.

Trudeau has already revealed his authoritarian nature, issuing a gun ban on Canadians, freezing bank accounts of protesters, and issuing a threat about crushing the Freedom Convoy with tanks.Now he is setting his sights on removing free speech rights in Canada.

According to a Blacklock’s Reporter, Trudeau is now referring to uncensored speech as “destabilizing.”

In the letter to MPs, the text reveals that the Canadian government is weighing “the creation of a new Digital Safety Commission.”

Incredibly, the agency would be set up to monitor internet content that the government deems “hurtful” through its legal department.

“The Government of Canada is committed to developing new rules for platforms that are backed up by strong enforcement mechanisms,” the text of the letter reads.

The letter continued, adding that the legislation introduction date has “not been determined,” but the “The Department of Canadian Heritage is working with other government departments to deliver on this important initiative.”

LifeSite report: So far, there has been no deadline set as to when legislation bringing about internet censors will be coming.

In recent months, the Trudeau Liberals have been trying to ram through multiple internet censorship bills into law, notably Bill C-11 and Bill C-18.

However, Canada’s Criminal Code as well as all provincial libel laws already ban hate speech in all forms.

According to Trudeau’s cabinet’s letter, censorship is “a risk-based approach to platform regulation whereby online services would be compelled to identify, assess and mitigate risks on their platforms.”

“The risks to be identified, assessed and measured would be set out in legislation,” the letter reads.

Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) leader Pierre Poilievre has blasted Trudeau’s Bill C-11, saying freedom of speech and to live life as one chooses is something “endowed by God” for all Canadians.

In December, LifeSiteNews reported how released notes showed Trudeau lamented the fact that social media content is hard to counter, leading to speculation that his government’s lapsed web regulation bill from last year may be resurrected.

That bill was known as Bill C-36, which critics warned would have censored bloggers and social media users and could have even opened the door to giving police the power to “do something” about online “hate.”

Bill C-36 included text to amend Canada’s Criminal Code and Human Rights Act to define “hatred” broadly as “the emotion that involves detestation or vilification and that is stronger than dislike or disdain (haine).”

The bill would theoretically have allowed a tribunal to judge anyone who has a complaint of online “hate” leveled against them, even if he has not committed a crime. If found guilty, the person would have been subjected to fines of up to $70,000 and could have even been placed under house arrest.

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